Westbound CrossFit (Coach Aaron)
1630 (8 of us)
Warm Up
15:00 to Complete
4 Sets
5 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Thrusters
@ 50% of 1RM CJ and Building Heavy
----3:00min Rest B/t----
I built up from 55-65-75-85 pounds and was moving well. Maybe could have gone 95 or 100 for a top set.
For Time (15:00 CAP)
20 Wall Balls (14/10#) to (10/9')
30 Hanging Leg Raises to Hip Height
20 Wall Balls
15 Low Strict RMU Transitions
20 Wall Balls
30 Hanging Leg Raises to Hip Height
20 Wall Balls
This was as difficult as it looked, but I scaled it well and paced it well going 10/5/5ish on the wall balls, sets of 6 for the hanging leg raises (some were below hip height) and singles on the ring muscle up transitions (they were anything but strict). I finished in 13:23 and felt good about the effort.
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