Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)
1200 (7 of us)
Warm Up
30/24 cal bike
12 DB good morning
12 DB snatches
*grab PVC
5 PVC RDL to knee
5 PVC front squat to parallel
5 PVC push press
5 dip, jump, punch and land
5 dip, jump, punch and land w/ PVC
5 tall split jerk foot work
5 PVC split jerks
*grab barbell
5 hang power clean, hold in receiving
5 push jerks, hold in receiving
5 split jerks, hold in receiving
:10 pike hold w/ feet on wall + :10 wall facing hs hold
2 wall walks in as few steps as possible
PRIMER - wall, DB
1 wall walk
4 DB snatches @ workout weight
EMOM x 10
2 Low Hang Power Clean
2 Jerks
@ 60-70% of 1RM CJ
Clean and Jerk
1 x 4
Coaching cue - Have back knee pointed down
AMRAP - 10
3 Scaled Wall Walks
12 DB Snatch (35/25#)
@ 13:00
30/20 Cal Bike
I was moving well, but this got rough quick. I scaled the wall walks to move from in front of a line to behind then line in two steps. I scaled to a 25 pound dumbbell. I managed 4 Rounds + 3 Reps.
I scaled to 20 calorie bike and finished in 1:17
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