Friday, February 21, 2025

Jackson Weight Plates on ebay

Jackson weight plates are highly collectible and usually trade hands privately.  Recently some plates have come up on ebay without a reserve and I am very anxious to see what the open market value is.  These plates are from the 1940's (2nd Gen) or 1950's (3rd Gen).

With 2 days to go:
Jackson 10 pound - $130 (16 bids) - hammered $132.50
Jackson 5 pounds - $155 (13 bids) - hammered $200.00
Jackson 5 pounds - $107.50 (18 bids) - hammered $182.50

Fortunately the seller is offering free shipping, but the prices are still an exorbitant $15-$30/pound.

I was hard pressed to bid up a pair of 1980's Eleiko plates to $210 plus $90 shipping which puts them at $300/88 pounds = $3.40/pound.  Part of me is hoping that I do not win them.

Update - My max bid $225, hammered for $270 + $90 shipping or roughly $4/pound.  Not horrible.

To date the craziest money I have spent on weights is the 9 pound pair of York Roundheads at $300/18 pounds = $17/pound.

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