The Dragon's Lair
Warm Up
Hip Hammy Flow
Kettelbell Halos
Pump Session
Flat Bench
Incline Bench
Seated Biangular Row
Pendulum Pull Down*
Donkey Calf Raise*
Single Leg Kneeling Hamstring Curls*
Seated Cable Row
DB Biceps Curls
Triceps Push Downs
*indicates machines I have never seen or used in the past
The clients are no-nonsense. They are there to train. It is friendly, but not really social. The front desk is very friendly and got me set up with a day pass and even helped me look for sizes when I wanted to grab a t-shirt.
Uber to and from the gym $35
Day pass $30
T-shirt and towel $45
Training at The Dragon's Lair Priceless
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