Thursday, September 5, 2024


I am going to try to sign up for a Hyrox event in 2025.  Hyrox is the sport of fitness and has been increasing in popularity.

It consists of alternating 1K runs and fitness stations
  1. Ski Erg 1000m
  2. Sled Push 50m
  3. Sled Pull 50m
  4. Burpee Broad Jumps 80m
  5. Rowing 1000m
  6. Farmers Carry 200m
  7. Sandbag Lunges 100m with 20kg
  8. Wall Balls 100 reps with 6kg
This is a total of 8km and stations that should take on the order of about 5 minutes per station.  Assuming I can keep a run pace of 12 min/mile, I should have about an hour of running and 40 minutes of stations.  This toughest one for me will likely be the sandbag lunges and wall ball shot.

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