Saturday, July 27, 2024


I find myself in the interesting position of not needing any more gym equipment, but still having a short wish list and some discount codes.

2x5 Saxon Bar - Available from Arm Assassin ($150) or Nemesis Grips ($170)?
Loading Pins - Available from Nemesis Grips ($41) or FBBC ($45)
Heavy Lift Bar and Hand & Thigh Bar - Available from Arm Assassin ($140 + $70)
2" Final Form V-Bar Handles - Available from FBBC ($55 each)
3.5 Inch Dumbbell Handle - Available from Arm Assassin $50 + $16 shipping

Arm Assassin Order
Heavy Lift Bar - $140
Hand/Thigh Bar - $70
Shipping - $70
Total $280
less 25% - $35

2" V-Bar Handles - $110
Loading Pin - $45
Shipping - $25

Nemesis Grips
Loading Pin - $41
Shipping - $25
Total $66
less 25% - $10

Continuing to think out loud, I do not really want a 2x5 Saxon Bar and will probably skip the Nemesis Grip order unless something exciting is launched in August (it is not worth just ordering the loading pin even with the discount).

I do want a Heavy Lift Bar and Hand/Thigh Bar but will continue to use Kim's on loan.  I will probably skip an Arm Assassin order as well as I was leaning against the 2x5 Saxon and do not like their loading pin design.

Finally FBBC, that is probably the $180 best spent for the final form v-bar handles and loading pin.  Shipping is reasonable and I love their products.  Much smaller than a giant barbell that I really do not need.

Bottom line in this thought exercise is that maybe it is best to not chase a discount.

Feather Crush - Summer Rush 2024 - International Women's Grip Competition

High Country Vigour hosted a venue for the Feather Crush - Summer Rush 2024 - International Women's Grip Competition.  The GSI Sanctioned event was sanctioned by Nemesis Grips and sponsored by Nemesis Grips and Sarah Chappelow.


Nisha Gupta - 15 years old - 87.5 pounds - under 47 kg class
Rolling Thumber - 15.45 pounds
19 mm Crimp - 41.00 pounds
3x4 Saxon - NA
Double Overhand Axle Bar - 75 pounds

Diya Gupta - 17 years old - 95.9 pounds - under 47 kg class
Rolling Thumber - 20.45 pounds
19 mm Crimp - 45.70 pounds
3x4 Saxon - 50 pounds

Kim VanWagner - 57 years old - 128.1 pounds - under 63 kg class
Rolling Thumber - 26.25 pounds
19 mm Crimp - 82.5 pounds
3x4 Saxon - 85 pounds

The ladies put up some solid numbers.  Diya swept the 47kg class at the Colorado Venue.  Kim was the sole entrant at 63 kg.

The Rolling Thumber is a very difficult implement, but all of the athletes set PR's with Kim taking the top spot at 26.25 pounds.  I am sure there will be a shake up on the leaderboard.

The 19mm Crimp was new to everybody and I was very surprised by the spread with Nisha at 41 pounds, Diya at 45 pounds and Kim at 82 pounds.  The leaderboard should be well established after this competition.

Finally the 3x4 Saxon was contested.  The Sorinex 45 pound Saxon proved to be too much for Nisha who had to settle for a Double Overhand Axle Bar.  Diya put up 50 pounds (52% of bodyweight).  Kim put up 85 pounds (66% of bodyweight).  These lifts are amazing on a difficult implement.  Kim's lift would stand at 24th worldwide (#3 at 63kg) and Diya's lift would stand at 40th worldwide (#2 at 47kg).  Nisha's Double Overhand Axle DL puts her at 99th worldwide (#5 at 47kg).

USAWA - 2024 IAWA World Postal and Buffville Road to the Century Club #5

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home Gym


High Country Vigour again played host to Hybrid/Postal USAWA events

2024 IAWA World Postal

Clean & Push Press


Continental to Belt


1H DB Clean & Jerk

62.8 Right
72.8 Right

Cheat Curl


Buffville Road to the Century Club #5

Saxon Deadlift 


Jefferson, Ring Fingers


Snatch, Fulton Bar


Also, I am now up to 126 of 195 lifts attempted.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Conditioning - Antler's Hotel Colorado Spring

Monday, July 23, 2024

Antler's Hotel Colorado Springs



3x3 min at 5 mph, rest 1 min between rounds.  This felt rough.

Biceps Curls


Behind the Neck Lat Pull Downs and Box Jumps

Calf Extensions

30 minutes total workout.  Nice facility.  Kind of dark and hot, but a nice mix of machines, dumbbells up to 55 pounds and cardio equipment.  The PowerLift box jump was a nice surprise

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Track Workout

Sunday, July 21, 2024

D'Evelyn High School Track


Easy 800 meter jog

Track Workout

4x400 meter runs

IN 2:30 ON 4:00


Cool down walk

25 minutes total workout

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Elizabeth Celtic Festival and Highland Games

After a long off season and not much games practice, I showed up in Elizabeth ready to throw at a Highland Games.

My results were mixed across the board.  Values in parenthesis are from 2023.
  • Braemar Stone - 18'-9.375" (15'-10.25 to 17'-6.5") PR!
  • Open Stone - 23'-3.625" (20'-5.375" to  21'-8.625") PR!
  • Heavy Weight for Distance - 15'-3.625" (15'-1.25" to 15'-11") no improvement
  • Light Weight for Distance - 23'-4.125" (18'-2.125" to 24'-10.25") getting worse
  • Heavy Hammer - 38'-7.375" (38'-0" to 37'-0.25") no improvement
  • Light Hammer - 41'-9" (45'-0" to 51'-7.875") much worse
  • Caber - 12:15 (30 degrees to 65 degrees) finally flipped PR!
  • Sheaf Toss - 16' (estimated 13' to estimated 14') finally cleared the standard PR!
  • Weight Over Bar - 10' (10', 10') no improvement
I PR'd the Braemar and Open Stone.  I lost about 6" on the HWD and 12" on the LWD.  I PR'd the heavy hammer, but lost 10' on the light hammer.  I finally flipped the M1 caber and posted a score of 12:15.  I finally cleared a bar on sheaf and my WOB has been flat at 10' for all three games.  Numbers in parenthesis are from Thornton Celtic Festival and Colorado Scottish Festival in 2023.

Despite the improvements, I am still well behind the men's field.  I would need a roughly 25-50% improvement across the board to crawl out of the cellar.

We started with stones and I was moving well.  Coaching cue to get my elbow up.  I wore a wrist wrap and elbow sleeve.

Next we moved to weight for distance and I was moving poorly.  I really need to work on my footwork.  I wore a leather glove.

Then we we went to hammers and I thought I was doing OK with heavy hammer.  I had a late release followed by a couple of good tosses.  On the light hammer, I had a late release, scratched my second attempt and then barely had any speed on it for my third attempt.  I did not wear any support equipment.

We then broke for a lunch of pulled pork which was very good.

Following lunch we started with WOB.  I made 9' and 10' on my first attempts, before missing all three attempts at 11'.  I wore a leather glove and a lifting belt.  My peers were at 12' and up.

Then it was time for sheaf.  I had yet to clear the 16' standard the past two games and was thrilled to make 16' on my 3rd attempt.  When the standards were moved to 18', I missed all three attempts.  My peers are all 20' and up.

Finally it was time for cabers.  The master's men selected from the following four cabers:
  • 15'-2.75" 45 pounds
  • 17'-0" 51 pounds
  • 18'-0" 62 pounds
  • 18'-0.25" 76 pounds
I got a flip on my first attempt with the light caber and then failed all three attempts on the 17' caber.  My peers were all posting scores with one of the 18' cabers.

Overall, I am very happy with my performance.  During the competition, I was a little frustrated being at the back of the pack, but still enjoyed my grouping.  I threw with the Grand Masters (Craig, Skip, Wayne and Al) and a couple of the Masters (Josh and Tyler).  Josh and Tyler managed 5th and 6th respectively.

The next event is in two weeks at the Colorado Scottish Festival.  I definitely want to focus on hammers and light weight for distance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

BSAG Leg 7

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
PVC Pass Throughs


Warm up with 45, 95

Dumbbells Anyhow

Warm up with 70

Knealing Clean & Push Press


Alternate Grip Snatch (x4)


Alternate Grip Snatch (RAMPAGE)

9x65 = 585

Total workout time was just under 40 minutes.  It was nice to be invited to participate in BSAG and it is a good variety of events.  I have not received the rulebook, but Kim was kind enough to give me pointers.  I made a point of not using any supportive equipment and filmed all of my lifts as well.

Monday, July 15, 2024

General Conditioning

Monday, July 15, 2024




0.5% incline

2 min walk
6 min 5 mph
1 min walk
3 min 5 mph
1 min walk
3 min 5 mph
2 min walk
18 min total (1 mile of jogging)


5 rounds of

10 air squats
5 push-ups

Med Ball Sit-ups (8#)

10-9-8-7-6-5-5 = 50 total

Alt DB Biceps Curls


40 minutes total workout

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dub's Grip Classic

I was fortunate enough to secure a spot in Dub's Grip Classic sanctioned by GSI, hosted at Barratt Strength Premier Strongman and Strongwoman.  The event drew (16) athletes and was sponsored by Arm Assassin Strength Shop, Nemesis Grips, Cannon Powerworks and Ironmind.  Barratt Strength even had a food truck and supplement company on hand to support the athletes.  It was above and beyond my expectations.

The event was in Colorado Springs and drew athletes from across the state of Colorado and Wyoming.  My drive from Denver was just over an hour.

The event would include:
  • Max Gripper Close (Various rated brands)
  • Two Hand Napalm Nightmare Saxon Blocks (Arm Assassin Strength Shop)
  • Apollon's Axle (Ironmind)
  • Shallow Mini-Inch Pinch (Arm Assassin Strength Shop)
  • 2" Vertical Bar (Fat Bastard Barbell Company)
On the grippers, I opened with a comfortable 66 RGC on a CPW adjustable gripper.  My second attempt at 77 was good also.  I also closed 83 pounds to go 3 for 3.  I was beyond excited.  I have grippers at 71 and 92 RGC at home and have not been able to span that gap.  PR!  This event was tough as a spectator.  It was hard to see if the gripper was closed and harder still to appreciate the technique, focus and strength to close grippers above 150 RGC.

Next was the Napalm Nightmare.  I opened way to light at 75 pounds.  I wanted to get a feel for the implement.  I then made lifts at 91, 116, 126, and 136 before missing 146.  My plan is usually to get 2 warm-ups and then 3 legitimate attempt (5 total).  In this case I failed the 6th attempt, but felt good about the effort.  PR!  This event has records ranked on

Next on deck was the Apollon's Axle.  I have trained with thick bars before, but never a proper 2" barbell.  Typically, I have used a 1.9" painted pipe.  The seasoning was good, but less grippy than I had hoped.  I opened at what I thought was a reasonable 151 and followed that with 180, 200, 226, 241 and 251 before missing 261 (7 total attempts).  I was very pleased with this result as it approached the 253 pound mark I set with a Fulton Bar.  PR!  This event was probably the most exciting for spectators.  It also has the most impressive records having been contested since 1994 with Carl Myerscough and Lyudmila Galduchenko taking the top spots at 237.5kg and 137.9kg respectively.

Fourth up was the Mini Inch Pinch.  I had fortunately trained with this exact implement at home and matched my performance in the basement making 20, 25 and 28 pounds before missing 30.5 pounds.  This was the only case where I made the appropriate number of attempts (4).  This implement is relatively new and there are fewer records on  The listed records were very much challenged by Dub's Grip Classic.

The final event was the 2" FBBC Vertical Bar.  This was a mere 2" lift and the implement was very well seasoned.  I opened at 103 and followed that with 133, 153, 168, and 189 before failing 204 pounds.  I got greedy wanting to break 200 pounds, but felt good about the effort.  PR!  This is another one on with records going back several years.

The athletes were the usual suspects from King Kong and Rolling Hills and included Kelsie Sherman, Sarah Chappelow, Colton Storm, Jeremy Everding, Jaland Worley (host), Jesse Hagendorn, Jonathan Hamrick, Steve Millard and myself.  Newcomers included Kayla and Haley Witt (junior), Shelby Delp, Clint Cook, Brandon Barratt and Konrad Sherman.

I am curious to see the official scores when they are posted.  Sarah set some overall women's world records and several athletes set weight class records.

While scores were being tabulated the sponsor prizes were awarded including a gripper set from Cannon Power Works and gift cards and posters from IronMind.  A gift from Nemesis Grips was given to our junior lifter who was crushing it all day on the platform.  The final set of gifts from Arm Assassin Strength Shop will be announced post competition.  An interesting teaser was from Michael Thomas, who donated $50 to the winner (in this case second place as Jaland was not accepting prizes) on the mini inch pinch.  93kg
  • Max Gripper Close (Various rated brands)
  • Two Hand Napalm Nightmare Saxon Blocks (Arm Assassin Strength Shop) - 136 lbs (15th)
  • Apollon's Axle (Ironmind) - 251 lbs (outside top 25)
  • Shallow Mini-Inch Pinch (Arm Assassin Strength Shop) - 28 lbs (2nd)
  • 2" Vertical Bar (Fat Bastard Barbell Company) - 189 lbs (outside top 25)
Final Results

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Back Squat

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Basement Gym


Warm Up

Bike Erg - 5 min
Hip Hammy Flow

Back Squat


Felt much better than last week.  Need to stay engaged with squats more regularly.

Pull-up Finisher


40 min total workout

Monday, July 8, 2024

Squat Snatch - Metcon

Monday, July 8, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Foam Roll
Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
PVC Pass Throughs
Abbreviated Burgener

Squat Snatch

5-4-3-2-1 Touch and Go for Load

1x44 pounds

This felt rough as well as it should have considering how long it has been since I snatched.  It still felt good to move and prime the shoulders

Metcon ("Karabel")

10 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Snatch (135/95)
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

I scaled this aggressively and was still taking long pauses between movements.  I did 5 rounds with power snatch at 55 pounds and used an 8 pound med ball.  I finished in 9:03 and got a poignant reminder that all-round weightlifting, grip, powerlifting and monostructural swim-bike-run is no substitute for intensity.

Programming was from Vintage CrossFit

Pull-up Finisher


1 strict pull-up

Dub's Grip Prep

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Home Gym


30mm Gripper


Apollon's Axle


Saxon Bar (sub for 3x4" Napalm Nightmare)


Shallow Inch Pinch

25 (right ok, left miss)
27.5 (right ok)

2" Vertical Bar

77 (right ok, left miss)
87 (right miss, left ok)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

RMRR Stonehouse 2M

I enjoy this race because it is close to the house, it is a small field and it is a flat, fast course.  The RMRR (Rocky Mountain Road Runners) includes this as part of their Trophy Series where runners are staggered based on their predicted finish.

The last race I participated in had me at 11:25 pace so I started at 0:00.  I finished in 22:17 (roughly an 11:05 pace) which was much faster than predicted and good enough for 12th place in the Trophy Series.  While a 22:17 two mile is nothing to write home about, it was a nice effort for me.

RMRR also made the call for new board members.  As an all volunteer organization, they depend on volunteers to step up and keep the club running.  They have been running together for 65 years now.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Back Squat

Friday, July 5, 2024

USAFA Fitness Center


Warm Up

Hip Hammy Flow
Reverse Hyper
Squat Warmup (8x45; 7x95)

Back Squat


Plan was 3x9 on 3 minutes at 65-70% of max.  Cut the last set short as my hamstrings were starting to tighten up.


Air Bike - 5 minutes
Jacobs Ladder - 4x1.5 minutes with 1 minute rest between rounds
Sit-ups - 10-10-8-4-2  (I was planning 5 sets of 10, but core started tightening up)

60 minutes total workout

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Two Fisted Challenge

Finger Lift, Left Index - record open, ALL 135
Finger Lift, Left Little - record open, ALL 54
Finger Lift, Left Middle - record open, ALL 230
Finger Lift, Left Ring - record open, ALL 84
Finger Lift, Left Thumb - record open, ALL open

Finger Lift, Right Index - record open, ALL 135
Finger Lift, Right Little - record open, ALL 54
Finger Lift, Right Middle - record open, ALL 170
Finger Lift, Right Ring - record open, ALL 205
Finger Lift, Right Thumb - record open, ALL 54

Deadlift, No Thumbs - record open, ALL 474

Sanjiv Gupta, 53, 204.9 pounds
Official: Jarrod Fobes
Finger, Left, Index - 60 pounds
Finger, Left, Little - 30 pounds
Finger, Left Middle - 70 pounds
Finger, Left, Ring - 40 pounds
Finger, Left, Thumb - 35 pounds
Finger Right, Index - 60 pounds
Finger, Right, Little - 30 pounds
Finger, Right, Middle - 70 pounds
Finger, Right, Ring - 40 pounds
Finger, Right, Thumb - 35 pounds
Deadlift, Fingers, Index - 85 pounds
Deadlift, Fingers, Little - 55 pounds
Deadlift, Fingers, Middle - 95 pounds
Deadlift, Fingers, Ring - 55 pounds

USAWA One Arm Lifts

  1. Bench Press
  2. Bent Press
  3. Clean & Jerk
  4. Side Press
  5. Snatch
  6. Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip
  7. Deadlift, No Thumb
  8. Deadlift
  9. Hack Lift
  10. Zercher
  11. Bent Press - Dumbbell
  12. Clean & Jerk - Dumbbell
  13. Curl, Dumbbell, Cheat
  14. Side Press - Dumbbell
  15. Snatch - Dumbbell
  16. Swing - Dumbbell
  17. Press - Dumbbell
  18. Deadlift - Dumbbell
  19. Deadlift - Fulton
  20. Deadlift - Fulton Dumbbell
  21. Deadlift - Inch Dumbbell
  22. Pinch Grip Deadlift
  23. Pinch Grip - Strict
  24. Vertical Bar - 1 Bar - 1"
  25. Vertical Bar - 1 Bar - 2"
  26. Finger Lifts
(26) lifts are contested using just one arm.  (10) are barbell lifts, (8) are standard dumbbell lifts, (8) require some special equipment.

I would argue that the barbell lifts are most aligned with classic weightlifting.  

The dumbbell lifts are variations on the them to make the barbell movements easier.  An exception should be noted for the dumbbell curl and swing.

The special equipment lifts are relatively modern movements with an Axle bar, Fulton Dumbbell, Inch Dumbbell, Vertical Bar lifts and Pinch Grips.  An exception would be the finger lifts which are truly impressive and aligned with old time strongmen.

Getting Carried Away with USAWA/Grip/Highland Games/Deka - UPDATE 2024.07.03

I originally made this post in January 2024, but it is time for an update because I have still been on a spending spree.

I have been able to dabble in USAWA/Grip/Highland Games/Deka without too much additional expense.  After a spending spree in January, there has been a slow but consistent trickle of expenses on USAWA ($35 + $110), Grip ($820), Highland Games ($0) and Deka ($1,150).  $2,115 in six months.

I would like to claim that I am done.  My short wish list for USAWA equipment is likely on hold unless opportunities present themselves.  I will still purchase grip toys from time to time.  I can live without a 22# hammer and blades for Highland Games.  I am all done buying Deka toys.


To date (2022-2023), I had only spent $70 on USAWA specific equipment.  $20 on an old barbell for the sleeves, $30 for a Fulton bar and $20 for an anchor ring.  In January, I have purchased a Roman Chair, Cerberus Dinnie Trainer, 1" v-bars, Fulton Dumbbells, Inch Dumbbells, Neck Harness and fabricated a Hip Belt ($110 supplies) for an additional $825.

Phase 1:  I am prepared to buy a heavy lift bar and hand & thigh bar from Arm Assassin for $210, but would prefer to just borrow Kim's as required.

Phase 2:  3.5" dumbbell from Arm Assassin for $50 and a 3" axle bar from Titan Fitness for $130.  $180 Total.

I would need a Saxon Plank, Trap Bar, Harness Lift Harness & Hand Rails, Regulation Roman Chair and Vertical Leg Press to build out a USAWA fully equipped gym.


To date (2019-2023), I had only spent $741 on grip stuff.  In January, I have purchased Ironmind Little Big Horn, Rolling Thumber and BSS Flask for an additional $355.  As of July, I am up to $1,896 in grippers, contest implements, blobs and misc.

I am prepared to buy an Oka DaBloom for $50.


To date (2023), I had spent $585 on Highland Games equipment.  In January, I purchased a 42# WOB for an additional $200.

I am going to hold off on a 22# Hammer and Blades.


To date (2023), I had spent $50 on Deka.  In January, I purchased a 44 pound Deka RAM for $130.

Since January, I have purchased a bike erg ($900) and tank ($250) for an additional $1,150


Roman Chair

Roman Chair from Dino Gym

Roman Chair from Clark's Gym

Vintage Commercial Roman Chair

Custom Fabricated Roman Chair

Roman Chair Layout Exercise

Variety of Abdominal Exercises

Frank Zane on Roman Chair

My interest in an old school Roman Chair is to contest (4) USAWA lifts.  Hardly a good return on investment, but what is an athlete to do.  The unique feature of the vintage benches is a flat pad that does not allow for support beyond the buttocks.  Modern Roman Chair/Hyperextension benches have pad with a 15 degree angle and while ubiquitous are not suitable for All-Round Weightlifting.

The Dino Gym Roman Chair is the most elaborate with a safety in case the lifter goes below parallel unintentionally.  It is big, heavy and unsuitable for my garage.

The Clark's Gym Roman Chair is by contrast much simpler and appears to be a commercial unit.  It may have been fabricated.  I like this design for the simplicity and size.  I could set it up anywhere.

Buffville contests Roman Chair lifts using a flat bench and the safety pins on a power rack.  I could do something similar with an Abmat Abmigo as a foot catch.

In a perfect world, I would find a vintage commercial unit.  I intend to wait for that eventuality rather than modifying a modern Roman Chair.

Monday, July 1, 2024

2024 USAWA National Championships

I returned to Columbia, MO for my second USAWA National Championships again hosted by Clark's Gym at the American Legion Hall in Columbia, MO.  This time I took the luxury of flying to Kansas City and driving the 2 hours to Columbia (instead of 9 hours from Denver).

16 athletes were in attendance.  9 Senior Men, 4 Senior Women, 2 Junior Men and 2 Junior Women.

After weigh ins and rules we kicked things off.

Clean & Press - Fulton Bar

This is a pretty good event for me and I was happy to go 3 for 3 at 105, 115 and 125.  That was within 5 pounds of my 130 pound personal best and a record in the 50 year old 95kg men (was OPEN).  It was a far cry from the 95kg All age record of 161 pounds.  Not an IAWA lift.

Pullover & Press

This was going to be a tough event for me as my left elbow has been angry for a couple of weeks.  I conservatively went 3 for 3 at 95, 105 and 115 pounds.  This was again a record in the 50 year old 95kg men (was OPEN).  It is a far cry from the 95kg All age record of 275 pounds.  Does not beat the 105kg IAWA record.

Hack Lift

I felt good about this lift, but my Hack Lift is a fraction of my deadlift.  I managed 195, 215 and 235.  The 50 year old 95kg men's record stands at 360 pounds and 540 for All 95kg lifters.  Does not beat the 200kg IAWA record.

Record Session

Record Session was fun.  I knocked out all (5) of my lifts in short order, typically only taking one attempt.

Teeth Lift - 75 pounds (I did not count the loading pin) - USAWA and IAWA record
Saxon Snatch - 57 pounds - USAWA record (not a IAWA lift)
Squat, Lunge - 95 pounds - USAWA record (IAWA record is 95kg)
Side Press, Left - 45 pounds - USAWA and IAWA record
Side Press, Right - 45 pounds - USAWA and IAWA record

We wrapped everything up by 2:00 PM and I spent some time chatting with Eric Todd (judging only), Denny Habecker, Clint Poore (judging only) and Steve Gardner (of the Gardner lifts) who traveled down to visit with us.  Chris Todd came out to support his family.  Bill was the emcee.  Ajax traveled with Beth down from Pittsburg.  (4) spotters and loaders including Douglas and Emmanuel (taking photographs).

Dinner was a very enjoyable BBQ buffet at D. Rowe's.

The national meeting was a bit of a production.  We were brought to order at 6 PM and adjourned by 8 PM.
  • New Award - Dolores Clark Award - Available to all strength sports
  • Chair Reports - accepted
  • Video Committee Report - taken under advisement
  • Knee Sleeves - failed
  • Allow knee sleeves on Squat, Front and Squat, 12" which allows wraps - passed
  • Level 2 Certification - passed
  • Move to OTSM Inch Dumbbell - passed
  • Upper Body Covering - failed* modified to elbows must be exposed, tank tops ok passed
  • Saxon Snatch use metal bar - failed
  • New Lift - Bavarian Lift - passed
  • Increase Dues to $35 - passed
  • New Lift - Bench Press 2 Dumbbells - passed
  • 1.33 Gender Adjustment - passed
  • New Lift - Saxon Deadlift - passed
  • Split Secretary/Treasurer - passed
  • New Record Director - Abe Smith
  • New Secretary - Beth Skwarecki
  • New Awards Chairman - Tony Lupo
  • 2025 Nationals - Awarded to Buffville Gym in Albany, KY
I got a good night's rest and Day 2 was underway.

Deadlift, Fulton, Ciavattone

I went 3 for 3 at 225, 245, 260 besting the 50 year old 95kg record I set back in February at 253 pounds.  All age 95kg record is 353 pounds.  The bar was well seasoned and I felt good.  Not an IAWA lift.

Snatch, One Arm (Right)

I went 3 for 3 at 45, 55, 65 pounds.  While good for me, the lifts did not come close to the 50 year old 95kg record of 121 pounds which is the All age record as well set by John Vernacchio in 1991 and the IAWA record.


I went 3 for 3 at 185, 205 and 235 pounds.  This is the lift I was most proud of.  I beat my personal best and had a good fight on a big stage.  The 50 year old 95 kg record is 375 pounds (also set by John Vernacchio in 1991 for the USAWA and IAWA record), but the All age record is 420 pounds set by a junior lifter Brad Almond in 1994.

Total = 125+115+235+260+65+235 = 1035 pounds (Age Adjusted Lynch = 1035.5)

Overall, I set (8) age/weight class USAWA records and (3) IAWA age/weight class records.

Trying the Saxon Plank took me to 123 of 192 lifts attempted.


Weaver Stick

Left and Right Hand to IAWA/USAWA standard = 2.5 pounds (USAWA record and IAWA record)

Annual Awards

Lifter of the Year - Abe Smith, Runner Up - Beth Skwarecki
Leadership Award - Clint Poore, Runner Up - ?
Courage Award - ?, Runner Up - ?
Newcomer of the Year - Jeff Wenzel, Runner Up - ?
Sportsmanship Award - Sanjiv Gupta, Runner Up - ?
Club of the Year - Clark's Championship Gym

The top three male and female lifters along with the top male and female junior lifters and the winning club received plaques.  Everybody else received certificates.

Then came the loading and unloading of the plates which was not too bad.  We needed a lot more plates last year with the hip lift.

I was actually even more excited to finally read Bill's draft manuscript and visit Clark's All-Sport Championship Gym.  

His manuscript is around 350 pages and includes countless intriguing details.  I will just digitize the few notes I took:
  • First US marathon outside of New York and Boston was in Columbia hosted by Bill
  • 1890's Centurion Club - Walk 100 miles in 24 hours
  • Chains original used to add more weight as sleeves were maxed out
  • 2018 fire destroyed a lot of the archive
  • Peary Radar helped Junior Nationals come to Columbia (beating out York Barbell's bid)
  • 1956 Bird Dog scout ($100/contract and $1500/majors)
  • Masters Track & Field - no result on the Pole Vault at 40 years old
  • 1976 All Female Lifting contest
  • Joe Widdel of Denver Barbell Club
  • 1978 World Championships, athletes smoking under no smoking sign
  • 1984 British Championships featured 24 lifts
  • 1987 Membership was $6/year
  • Adrian Blindt suspension after throwing belt and yelling at official?
  • 1991 AIDS epidemic raised awareness of biohazards and blood on bar or platform
  • Ed Zercher (Elbow Squat origins unknown)
  • Ed Zercher Self Loaded Leg Press - 250 pounds and 81 reps at 200 pounds at 81 years of age
  • Competition age based on birthday or age you will be by December 31st
  • 1994 new lifts added One Hand Thumbless Deadlift, Trap Bar Deadlift, Arthur Lift
  • 1st Rule Book contained 160 lifts
  • Million Pound Workout - John Carter
  • Brian Osterman US Air Force - Walking Weaver 75 feet with 355 pounds, bested by his friend at 425 pounds
  • Travis Challenge
  • IAWA lifts for Worlds
The Saxon Snatch bar was 2x6 of roughly the inside collar length of an Olympic Barbell 2 layers thick.  Standard pipe compatible with 1 inch plates used as the flanges can be accommodated by the 3 inch Saxon Plank.

Clark's Championship Gym is as charming as described.  It is dark with low ceilings and ceiling tiles missing in spots for overhead lifts.  Temperature is set by mother nature and box fans.  There are York Globe dumbbells from 5-100 along some racks that date back to the second World War.  There are some racks, benches, hack squat, roman chair and a variety of bars including a Mike MacDonald camber bar that was purchased from MacDonald.  There are also heavy lift bars along with the various harnesses and belts.  It is truly an old school gym which would only be negatively affected by a good wash.  Most of the athletes train there sans belt, wrist wraps or any other supportive equipment.

Along with lots of old photos and trophies, I was struck by the record boards that featured a variety of lifts including but not limited to:
  • The Deck - 340 reps completed at the pace determined by a deck of cards.  A Jack is 10 unbroken reps an Ace is 1 rep
  • Mansfield Lift - with only 3 records
  • 250 pound Deadlift - Women
  • Power Cleans with Bodyweight - 10 reps or more
  • Bodyweight Snatch
  • 500 pound Hacklift
  • 350 pound Steinborn
  • 2000 pound Harness
  • 1500 pound Hip Lift
  • 500 pound Squat
  • 300 pound Neck Lift
  • 500 pound Deadlift
  • 1000 pound Hand & Thigh
  • 350 pound Leg Press - Women
  • 1500 pound Back Lift
  • 1,000,000 Pounds
  • Hospital Harry - ?
  • 100 Tons
  • 300 pound Zercher
  • 400 pound Bench Press
  • 300 pound Bench Press
These are all done on white poster board in a variety of colors going back to some dates as early as 1987 all the way through 2024 with Jeff Wenzel adding his name to a couple of boards.

Tony Lupo - Clark's
Jeff Wenzel - Clark's
Abe Smith - Clark's
Philip Marlin - Clark's
John Carter - Clark's 
Denny Habecker - Habecker's
Everett Todd (junior) - KCSTRONGMAN
Leroy Todd (junior) - KCSTRONGMAN
Sanjiv Gupta - High Country Vigour
Randy Smith - Clark's
Lance Foster - KCSTRONGMAN

Allison Lupo - Clark's
Lisa Gore - Clark's
Beth Skwarecki - Habecker's
Lilly Todd (junior) - KCSTRONGMAN
Phoebe Todd (junior) - KCSTRONGMAN

Clark's represented with 8 athletes (including the top 3 men and 2 of the top 3 women)
KCSTRONGMAN brought 6 athletes
Habecker's had 2 athletes
High Country Vigour had 1 representative