Monday, July 8, 2024

Squat Snatch - Metcon

Monday, July 8, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Foam Roll
Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
PVC Pass Throughs
Abbreviated Burgener

Squat Snatch

5-4-3-2-1 Touch and Go for Load

1x44 pounds

This felt rough as well as it should have considering how long it has been since I snatched.  It still felt good to move and prime the shoulders

Metcon ("Karabel")

10 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Snatch (135/95)
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

I scaled this aggressively and was still taking long pauses between movements.  I did 5 rounds with power snatch at 55 pounds and used an 8 pound med ball.  I finished in 9:03 and got a poignant reminder that all-round weightlifting, grip, powerlifting and monostructural swim-bike-run is no substitute for intensity.

Programming was from Vintage CrossFit

Pull-up Finisher


1 strict pull-up

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