Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Snatch Complex - Metcon

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Crossfit Golden - Lacey/Greg

12:00 PM

Warm Up

2 Rounds

30 seconds air squats
10 drop squats
10 fast mountain climbers
10 pvc pass through
10 good mornings
10 jump squat with pvc
10 pvc oh squat
10 duck walk pvc

with PVC then Barbell

5 snatch lift off
5 high hang snatch
5 hang snatch
5 full snatch
1 complex

Snatch Complex

Building over the course of 20 minutes (10 sets):

Snatch Lift Off + Snatch (2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch)

A Snatch Lift-Off is the first portion of the snatch, from the ground to the knees. Keep your torso angle consistent through all phases of this lift-off, and pause 2-seconds at the knees. After your lift-off, reset and perform a full snatch



  1. maintain tall chest - do not collapse when getting set
  2. past knees, bring bar back to hip crease
  3. at contact bring bar straight up, flip and get under

The tape worked well.  I should have brought my lifters.


For time:

Row 800 Meters
30 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
200 Double Unders

I scaled this to 55# power snatch and 400 single unders.  Finished rowing at about 3:50.  Finished power snatch at about 8:15.  Finished jump rope at 12:52.

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