Sunday, December 19, 2021

New Dumbbells

I finally feel like I hit a proverbial score and feel conflicted about it.

James Weiner listed the following on Facebook Marketplace for $100:

60lb dumbbell set
30lb dumbbell set 

Amazon workout step 
(2) resistance bands 

The dumbbells ended up being a 65# pair and a 30# pair and he threw in a pair of 15# dumbbells from Sports Authority.  Retail is $259, $119 and around $36 respectively.  The 15# were the lower end neoprene dipped dumbbells.  The 30' x 1.5" battle rope retails for $80.  I did not really want the step or bands, but they are around $30 and the bands (SPRI and unbranded) are around $10 each.  He also through in a Yes4All 25 lb Total Body Workout Weighted Bar that retails for $46.89 on Amazon.  For those keeping track at home that is a current retail value of $591.  $100 represents 17 cents on the dollar.

Current aftermarket value is $1 to $1.50/pound on the dumbbells and the battle rope may fetch $30.  If I wanted to liquidate it would be pretty easy to sell everything for a little over $200.

The 65# dumbbells are really heavy and I am not even sure what I will do with them.  I could do dumbbell bench press, but any overhead movement is really out of the question.  The 30# dumbbells are perfect and I will be able to use those frequently.  I think the family could use the step and possibly the weighted bar.  I will have to play with the battle rope and see how it feels compared to my SPRI battle rope.

For tracking purposes:

65# DB - $53
30# DB - $24
15# DB - $7
Battle Rope - $16

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