Thursday, December 16, 2021

Eleiko Home Gym

Home gym offered by Travis Thomason in Indian Hills.  $2300 firm for 

"Purchased as a set over the summer. Basically brand new other than the chalk from lifting. Moving and traveling so need to sell. Price as listed is firm. I’ll put the set in storage before going lower

You can check original prices on the Eleiko website. 

Lifting rack with pull-up bar and arms
Flat bench
Powerlifting Performance Barbell
6 x 45 lb bumper plates
2 x 25 lb bumper plates
4 x 10 lb bumper plates
Will throw in 2x5lb and 2x2.5lb"

My math shows the rack and spotter arms at $1,050 (XF Half Rack with pull-up bar)
Barbell at $1,000
Bench at $300 (XF Flat Bench)
Plates at $830 (XF bumpers 45# for $109 each, 25# for $118 each, 10# for $58 each)
Total $3,180

$2,300 represents 72% of cost, but I would expect there was some deal for a package order.

Bumpers are $2.30/pound
Bench and Rack price is fair
The barbell is premium and not something I would be willing to pay for.

Interestingly, I check the listing on 12/22/2021 and the price is now $3000 firm?

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