Friday, April 24, 2020


Friday, April 24, 2020

Home Gym


Warm Up

1 min burpees - 11
then 2 rounds of
10 quadruped hip extension
10 banded clamshell
10 mountain climber circles
10 arm circles
10 prone raises
10 scap push-ups

PVC Burgener Warm Up

Barbell warm up and front rack mobility

clean complex at 45, 65, 85#


Every 90 Seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean
Build over the course of the 8 sets to today’s heavy complex.

115 - moved back ~2 inches
120 - video
125 - moved back ~3 inches
135 - video, moved back ~ 3 inches

These were good loads for me.  Although lighter than the April 8, 2020, I was able to use better mechanics.  I still want to get a smaller diameter barbell.


Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (5 sets of each):

Station 1 – 5 Hang Squat Cleans I want a mentally challenging load!!!
Station 2 – Go on a 40 second jog

Pick a weight for the squat cleans that will challenge you, but that you will be able to perform with good mechanics throughout the duration of the workout.

Station 1:  115#, felt easy on the first 2 rounds, was brutal, the last 2 rounds
Station 2:  150m run, it was taking about 1 minute to jog

Starting on round 3, I was going 75 seconds for the Hang Squat Cleans and then 105 seconds for the runs.  I was managing the hang squat cleans without letting go of the bar in 30-40 seconds.

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