Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sheaf and Sheaf Fork Order

Based on my Highland Games performance, I really want to work on Sheaf and Caber.  Caber will be tough, but I could order a sheaf fork and start practicing on my own.

Sheaf - 16# - Red Stitching - $80

Sheaf Fork - Starting at $95 (requested recommendations and pricing)

  • 1.25", 0.060 wall aluminum - POSSIBLE
  • 1.125" light weight wood - straight for 10 and 16 pound sheafs - POSSIBLE
  • Combination of aluminum and wood - Going with this per Michael Black recommendation
  • Medium weight contoured ash handles with aluminum at base - 20 pound, but work for everything - POSSIBLE
  • Carbon fiber 30mm diameter x 1000mm in length - NO
  • Carbon fiber 28mm diameter x 1000mm in length - NO
Handle length - Going with 42" per Michael Black recommendation
Grip Tape Color - Red
Paint Color (Aluminum) - Bare
Optional Paracord Wrap on Fork-End Grips - Yes, Red

Looking at my throw, I am certainly not blocking and need to work on that.

Michael Black also pointed out a couple of other flaws:
  1. Gripping the fork too wide
  2. Fork head rounding back to the right
He was kind enough to review my video, provide training tips and even offered the outline of his lesson in Norway.

He has some catching up to do, but will be able to get to my order.

I currently have:
  • 28# WFD
  • 16# Hammer
  • Solid Bar Ring & Shackle - use 28# for height technique
  • Sport Kilt
  • 16# Sheaf
  • 42" 3-tine Sheaf Fork
Items for completion:
  • 42# WFH - $155 (5.625" Cylinder)
  • 22# Hammer - $100
  • Hammer Blades - $45
  • "D" Handle with Shackle - $30 (in order to use WFH for WFD)
  • Trig - Homemade
  • Caber - NA
  • Standards - NA
  • Rolling box
I will likely complete my set up in 1 or 2 stages.  Primary is WFH & D Handle - $185 plus shipping.  Secondary is Hammer and Blades - $145 plus shipping.  In the near term, I need to get 12, 16 and 22 pound stones weighed and marked and build a trig.  I have no plans to acquire a caber of fabricate standards.

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