Monday, September 20, 2021


Monday, September 20, 2021

CFG - Lucas

0730 - 5 of us

Warm Up

300m run
hip hammy
15 air squat
10 reverse snow angels
15 pass throughs
10 ankle drivers
15 overhead duck walk steps
5 bear sit through
15 pvc ohs
10 mtn climber twists


"Keep it Steady"
Three rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
10 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
15 Burpees Over the Barbell
20 Toes to Bar

I scaled this to 35# OHS, step over the bar burpees and hanging knee raises.  It was a tough workout.

Round 1 - 9:15
Round 2 - 10:00 (19:15)
Round 3 - 9:50 (29:05)

I scaled it well, but could have gone a little heavier on the OHS.  I went unbroken and they were designed to be heavy, eg. 4/3/3.

Accessory Work

Mobility Work

Take 5-10 minutes to work on mobility that might be hindering your performance/range of motion/ or creating discomfort!

Finished with couch stretch, lacrosse ball in scap, lat and triceps stretch with band.

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