Sunday, March 1, 2020

Golden Games 2020

March 1, 2020

Crossfit Golden hosted an in-house competition with 6 athletes in the men's Rx, 8 athletes in the men's open and 10 athletes in the lady's open.  It was my first competition and I had a lot of fun.

Workout 1 - Squat Clean Ladder - These went up to 155# and I was pleasantly surprised that my judge would help with loading plates.  I did the 75# in 2 sets.  Starting at 95#, I switched to singles. I finished the event, just under the 6 minute cap.  6th place.  This placing surprised me as well.  I move a barbell OK, but have never been good with fast reps.

Workout 2 - AMRAP pull-ups, dumbbell snatch, and dumbbell box step over.  This was tough.  I did OK on the pull-ups with fast singles. The snatch got to me and during the 1 minute breaks, I scrambled to find my elbow sleeves.  The 20" box step overs were a grind.  The open division used a 50# dumbbell and that certainly approached my upper limit.  I did 5 rounds + 2 reps.  8th place.  This placing did not surprise me.  I felt a little tweak in my right shoulder and never got into a rhythm.

Workout 3 - Sandbag run and air squats.  This was as bad as advertised.  My runs were around 3 minutes and the air squats were another 1:30 to 2:00.  I finished the 3 rounds around 15 minutes.  As planned, I walked the uphill and jogged the rest.  6th place.  This placing surprised me.  I am glad I wore joggers and the calf sleeves helped.  I also made a point of wearing gloves.  This was comfortable, but I still should have moved my hand position around.

Floater - Echo Bike - Assault Runner - Ski Erg - I paced this pretty well and probably had a little more in the tank.  I went for a combined 844 meters.  7th place.  I did the floater at 10:40 (about 20 minutes after event 2).  I might have been able to push a little harder, but I kept good form and was steady.

Those points put me 8th overall.

Jarrod (1-1-2-2 = 6)
Jon (2-3-3-4 = 12)
Ryan (3-5-1-1 = 10)
Chris (5-4-4-3 = 16)
Will (4-2-8-8 = 22)
Mark (7-7-7-5 = 26)
Sanjiv (6-8-6-7 = 27)
Nick (8-6-5-6 = 25)

I fueled up with a banana and some applesauce after the floater.  This gave me an hour to digest prior to the start of my sandbag run.

I obviously packed more than I needed, but I did a good job cooling down and warming up for each event.

The event was very well organized and the programming was exceptional as well.  The order of the events made a lot of sense as well.  Had the squat clean ladder been later in the day it would have been horrible.  There was not much downtime between events, just enough to chat with folks and feel ready to go again.

Based on this positive experience, I will likely seek out competition in the future.

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