Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Metcon - Dekafit Inspired

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Crossfit Golden - Open Gym


Warm Up

Foam roll


2 rounds of

400 m run
20 x 16# med ball sit-up throw
400 m run
20 x 24" box step over
400 m run
180' farmer's carry with 32kg kb
400 m run
6 pull-ups

Run 1 - 2:45 (2:45) - 22:30 (3:30)
Zone 1 - 4:30 (1:45) - 24:35 (2:05)
Run 2 - 7:45 (3:15) - 28:00 (3:25)
Zone 2 - 9:30 (1:45) - 29:50 (1:50)
Run 3 - 12:50 (3:20) - 33:15 (3:25)
Zone 3 - 14:30 (1:40) - 34:30 (1:25)
Run 4 - 17:45 (3:15) - 38:10 (3:40)
Zone 4 - 19:00 (2:15) - 38:50 (0:40)

My runs slowed considerably, but held steady around 3:20 (13:20 minute mile).

I was pleased with the zones.  I need to step up to a 20# med ball, but the sit-up throw movement is feeling smoother.  The box step overs were fine.  The farmers carry felt heavy today, but 100 m should not be the end of the world.  The pull-ups were filler.

My goals was a 40 minute-ish keep moving.  I expect Dekafit to take the full hour.

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