Monday, December 30, 2019


Monday, December 30, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Paige/Janet

1200 - 16 of us

Warm Up

line drills
high knees
butt kicks
quad stretch & lunge
toe grab
bear crawl to the left and right
crab walk forward and backward
duck walk forward and backward
hollow roll to superman
burpee broad jump


Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets) for times:
10 Strict Pull-Ups
15 Toes to Bar
20 Hand Release Push-Ups
25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

I scaled this aggressively and was still sucking air

R1 - 10 ring rows; 15 kipping leg raise 9/6; 20 HRPU 5/5/5/5; 25 WBS 14# 15/10
R2 - 10 ring rows; 15 kipping leg raise 9/6; 20 HRPU 5/5/5/5; 25 WBS 14# 10/8/7
R3 - 10 ring rows; 15 kipping leg raise 9/6; 15 HRPU 5/5/3/2; 25 WBS 10# 10/8/7
R4 - 10 ring rows; 15 kipping leg raise 9/6; 15 HRPU 5/5/3/2; 25 WBS 10# 10/8/7
R5 - 10 ring rows; 15 kipping leg raise 9/6; 15 HRPU 5/5/3/2; 25 WBS 10# 10/8/7
R6 - 10 ring rows; 15 kipping leg raise 9/6; 10 HRPU 5/3/2; 25 WBS 10# 10/8/7

I was getting through the ring rows and kipping leg raise in about a minute.  The HRPU were taking another minute.  The wall ball shots were the wild card taking me between 90 seconds and 2 minutes.  I scaled it well.

One athlete broke her wrist when she fell off the rig (distal radius fracture per another athlete).  Ambulance was called.

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