Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Well I finally broke down and ordered an Airwaav mouthpiece.  This ridiculous contraption was worn by Rich Froning on his way to another Team Championship.  While, I am suspicious, I bought the gizmo for a number of reasons.

First, I had been eyeing a mouthpiece for quite some time and nearly purchased a New Age Performance offering a couple of years ago when I was focused more on powerlifting.  These are at the same $40 price point.  My interest started with concerns in relation to damaging my teeth during training.  I have a history of being a grinder and have had more than my fair share of dental work.

Second, my training is in serious need of a kickstart and sometimes a new toy is just the ticket.  I have been struggling lately to get my breathing under control and get organized when getting back on the barbell during wods.  I do not have any delusion that the advertised increased airway width of 9% will happen or if it will affect my breathing at all, but sometimes, just having another focus will allow me to push past a plateau.

Finally, I want a new toy.  I am not ready to invest any more money in golf, scuba or bicycling and want for nothing in the crossfit space.  I am not buying any new clothes or shoes.  That unfortunately leaves one off gadgets like this.

Amanda Dvorak actually has a nice write up on the topic.  It is featured on

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