Monday, June 10, 2019

Snatch - Metcon

Monday, June 10, 2019

Crossfit Golden - Lacey/Janet

1200 - 8 of us

Warm Up

hip series

then 3 rounds of

20 jumping jacks
10 air squats
10 kang squats
10 pvc pass through
10 pvc oh squat - coach cue lock that elbow

snatch warm up

jump and land
dip jump and land
get arms involved

with barbell
high hang snatch
hang snatch
2" below the knee snatch


Every 2 minutes, for 3 sets, for 3 sets, for 4 sets:
High-Hang Snatch (1 rep @ 55-65%)
Hang Snatch (1 rep @ 65-75%)
2" Below Knee Snatch (1 rep @ 75-85%)

High Hang Snatch - 45, 50, 55#
Hang Snatch - 60, 65, 70#
2" Below the Knee Snatch - 75#

coach cue make sure hips and shoulders rise at the same speed to knee


For time:
800m Run
30 Toes to Bar
20 Snatches (135/95 lbs)

I had my best 800 time ever with 3:52 for the 800 m run.
I scaled the T2B to Flutter Kick L-sit and am not sure if I was doing them right, I did 40 reps in about a minute.
The 20 snatches were tough.  I scaled to 65# and felt like I maintained good form.  They were essential power snatches with an overhead squat.  I finished the workout at 11:04.

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