Tuesday, March 29, 2016

2016 Open Retrospective

16.1 (145 scaled reps) - 20 minute AMRAP of 25' walking lunges 45# in front rack, 8 burpees, 25' walking lunges, 8 jumping pull ups; 63rd (last at MBS), 9493 (master's men 45-49)

16.2 (89 scaled reps) - 4 minute time cap plus extensions of 25 hanging knee raises, 50 rope skips, 15 squat clean at 95#, progressively fewer reps and heavier weight; 56th (last at MBS), 8910 (master's men 45-49)

16.3 (96 scaled reps) - 7 minute AMRAP of 10 Power Snatches at 45#, 5 Jumping Chest to Bar; 52nd (5th from last at MBS), 7718 (master's men 45-49)

16.4 (165 scaled reps) - 13 minute AMRAP of 55 deadlifts at 135#, 55 wall balls 20# to 9', 55 calorie row, 55 hand release push-ups; 48th (2nd from last at MBS), 7345 (master's men 45-49)

16.5 (28:02 scaled) - For time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of Thrusters 65# and burpees; 46th (last at MBS), 6418 (master's men 45-49)

I was very pleased to complete all of the workouts.  That is what kept me moving up in terms of points.

What prevented me from going Rx?

16.1 - 95# OH walking lunges (burpees and C2B pull-ups would have been OK)
16.2 - T2B, double unders, squat cleans 135#
16.3 - bar muscle ups (power snatch 75# would have been OK)
16.4 - deadlifts 225#, handstand push-ups, wall balls 20# to 10' (row is the same)
16.5 - 95# thrusters (burpees would have been the same)

I need to develop core strength along with shoulder strength/mobility.

95# OH walking lunges - barbell
135# Squat Cleans - barbell
225# Deadlifts - barbell
95# Thrusters - barbell

T2B - gymnastics
Bar Muscle Ups - gymnastics
Handstand Push-ups - gymnastics

DU - crossfit
Wall Balls 20# to 10' - crossfit

I can work on everything except the bar muscle ups and wall balls at the Oracle Gym.  I will likely purchase a wall ball in the next 6 month.

My short term plan is to work on T2B progression, double unders and handstand kickups.

I will also spend some time on more OH barbell work and heavy deadlifts

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