Thursday, April 11, 2019

Strict Pull-ups - HS Hold - Metcon

Thursday, April 11, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Lacey

12:00 PM ~8 of us

Warm Up

12 min AMRAP of

10 arm circles f/b
10 throwdowns
5 face down & face up scorpions
10 banded face pulls
10 scap push-ups
1 wall climb w/3 sec hold
1 min row (good form)

I finished 2 rounds


Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (4 sets of each):

Strict Pull-Up (As Many Reps as Possible in 60 seconds)
Handstand Hold (Hold for 25 - 40 seconds (Seconds = reps))

The pull-ups were tough and I got 7-6-5-5 on the respective rounds.  Typically the last 1 or 2 reps was more chin to bar than chin over bar.

The handstand holds were not much better.  I managed 30-20-20-20 on the respective attempts.


Three rounds for time of:

30/20 Calories of Rowing
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

I had to scale the HS push-ups.  With options of strict to 2 abmats, kipping from 2 abmats or dumbbell presses.  I went with 30# DBs and was able to do sets of 5.

Total time was 12:55

After the workout and catching my breath, I tried kipping HSPU from 3 abmats and was able to get a few.  I did singles with a minute rest between each one.  The 4th one did not happen.

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