Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Crossfit Golden - Lacey/Greg
1200 - 14 of us
Warm Up
line drills
- jog
- high knees
- butt kickers
- quad stretch / pull toe back
- lunges
- bear crawl forwards/back
- crab walk
- bunny hop
2 rounds of
10 kb deadlift
10 kbs russian
10 kb romanian dl
Five sets of:
Deadlift (5 reps @ 21X1)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Keep all sets above 75% of your 1-RM.
I scaled this to 185# (67% of estimated 1RM DL) and felt pretty comfortable with the weight. I could maintain good form and establish tension. Tempo was fast up, pause, 2 count lower, reset, fast up..)
Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
40 Double-Unders
10 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
This required more scaling than I would have liked
R1 - 400; 10 DU; 135# - finished this round in 3:11, felt good
R2 - 400; 30 PT; 135# - this round took closer to 3:40, switched to penguin taps
R3 - 300; 30 PT; 135# - this round was back on track at 3:00, started breaking up deadlifts 6/4
R4 - 300; 30 PT; 135# - this round slowed a bit but was OK ~ 3:30, deadlifts 5/5
R5 - 300; 30 PT; 135# - finished at 17:11, deadlifts 5/5
I did not do much of the accessory work, instead finishing with back stretch on GHD and then 10 candlesticks.
This was the first workout with my new JAW Grips and I really liked them. I could maintain a double overhand grip on deadlifts and they were not bulky for double unders or running.
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