Monday, March 6, 2017

Front Squats

Monday, March 6, 2017


Coach Ben - (9:00 AM) - 11 of us including Erin and me

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squat

Build to weight then:


5 sets of:

Front Squat x 3 reps @ 23X2
– all sets should be performed at the same heavy load
– rest 2 minutes between sets

I was still feeling the hamstrings so I opted to go pretty light on this.  I did the first 2 sets at 95# and then went up to 115# for the last 3 sets.  The hamstrings did fine.

23X2 = 2 seconds lower-3 seconds hold at bottom-X as fast as possible up-2 seconds hold at top


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
10 Thrusters (105/70)
20 Push Ups

This was my first time trying double unders in a WOD.  I was able to do them all (counting my attempts also).  True double unders were around 40 per round.  I did string together around 10 several times.  I used 65# for the thrusters and still had to break them up on the second and third rounds.  The Push ups were as bad as expected and I usually started with 3-4 before doing double and then singles.  I finished with 3 rounds + 5 reps.

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