Friday, March 31, 2017

MU Progression, Karen

Friday, March 31, 2017


Coach Ben - (8:00 AM) - Just 2 of us, me and a girl I didn't know

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF Dynamic warm up

Muscle Up Progression

(1) Establish the False Grip
(2) Kipping Swing on Rings x 5-8 reps
(3) Hanging Hip Thrusts x 5-8 reps
(4) Standing Transition x 5-8 reps
(5) Seated Strict MU w/band x 3-5 reps

We had about 13 minutes for this and I got through the progression once and half way through a second time.  The false grip was tough for me and the bony part of my wrist is pretty torn up.  Kipping swings were tough as I did not feel confident in the false grip.  Hanging Hip Thrusts were OK, but I only did 2 reps each time.  Standing transitions were done by starting in a dip position and walking hands back tracing chest and then forward back to a dip position.  Seated Strict MU were really hard as well and I only did a couple of reps.


150 Wall Ball Shots 20# ball to 10' target

This was athlete's choice day and rather than repeating a workout or trying a Hero workout, I decided to do a girl workout and arbitrarily selected a 15 min cap.  The first 25 were easy compared to the last 25.  I quickly went from 10 reps per set to 4 reps per set.  I maintained good depth and was solid on hitting the 10' target as well.  Final score was 14:16


Thursday, March 30, 2017


Coach Sol - (8 AM) - Just Brian and Me

Warm Up

400m Run and WMCF dynamic warm up


4 Rounds for time of

30 Double Unders
20 KBS (44#, Rx was 70#)
10 T2B

11 minute time cap

I did really good on the first round, but then started missing double unders.  I was capped on the last round with 8 double unders completed.  Final score 11:52.  I could break the KBS into 2 sets of 10, but was doing singles on the T2B.

Back Squat

20 reps unbroken
suggested 60% of 1RM (110#), I used 95# instead and was able to complete the 20 reps

200m Plate Pinch Run

Rx was 35#, I used 25#

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

2017 CrossFit Open Retrospective

Well the 2017 Open has come to a close and I was excited to complete all 5 workouts.

17.1 - Rx - 50# DB Snatches 24" Box Over Burpees

17.2 - Scaled - 2x 35# DB Walking Lunges, Hanging Knee Raises/Pull-ups, 2x DB Power Cleans (Rx used 50# DB, T2B and Bar Muscle-ups and I could not safely manage the weight on the walking lunges)

17.3 - Scaled - Jumping Chin Over Bar Pull-ups, Squat Snatch Ladder - 45#, 75# ... (Rx did Chest to Bar Pull-ups, but the Squat Snatches started at 95#, over my 1 RM)

17.4 - Scaled - 55 DL at 135#, 55 Wall Ball Shots 20# to 9' target, 55 Calorie Row, 55 Hand Release Push-ups (Rx used 225#, 10' target and HSPU, I could have gotten some reps at 225#, but this represented 75% of my 1RM)

17.5 - Scaled - 10 rounds of 9 Thrusters at 65# and 35 Rope Skips (Rx used 95# and Double Unders, the thrusters would have been heavy for me and I would have quickly been reduced to singles on the Double Unders, I would have been time capped at 40 minutes)

Aside from 17.2, I could have gotten at least 1 rep on each of the workouts, but would have been operating close to my physical limits.

Overall, I was 11,164 / 13,373 (17th percentile) males 45-49 and 180,522 / 201,948 males overall (11th percentile).  I am pretty comfortable with this and would still like to work towards the 25th percentile of my age group.

I need to work on weighted lunges, squat snatches, and thrusters at 95# for high reps.  I feel like I made good progress on deadlifts and double unders.

I really enjoyed doing the events at West Metro CrossFit, but wish I could have participated in Friday Night Lights.

Heaving Snatch Balance

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Coach Soloman (8:00 AM) - 4 of us, Erin, Nate, Meredith and me

Warm Up

400m Run, Spider-Man stretch, Push-ups, Squats, Lunges

Snatch Balance technique, think about keeping shoulders away from ears, elbows pointed down the whole time, armpits forward

Heaving Snatch Balance

8 rounds of 1 heaving snatch balance and 3 OH Squats E3OM, increase weight as able

I did 4 rounds at 45#, then 2 rounds at 55# and finally 2 rounds at 65#.  It felt pretty good, but I was not dropping into a full squat.  I need to work on mobility.


3 rounds for time of

10 Axle Bar Deadlift
300 m Run

Rx was 225#, I used 160# (20# axle bar, 2x45# and 2x25#).  I was able to do the deadlifts in sets of 5 and 5 which was not too taxing on the grip.  I ended up finishing in 8:25.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

17.5 Thrusters-Rope Skips

Sunday, March 26, 2017


10:00 AM - Open Gym

Warm Up

Air Squats, pass throughs, triceps smash, thrusters, rope skips, drills, doubles (22 unbroken)

17.5 (s)

10 rounds of

9 Thrusters (65#)
35 Rope Skips

I kept a much better pace and felt confident with the workout.  I finished in 14:29, much faster than my test run on Friday.

I finished with 3 bar pull-ups, 3 ring pull-ups and 6 legless rope climbs (did not get all the way to the top, but did get pretty close).

Friday, March 24, 2017

17.5 Unofficial Thrusters-Rope Skips

Friday, March 24, 2017

Aspire Fitness

7:35 PM

10 minute Jump Rope - singles, drills, doubles, best was 17 unbroken

17.5 (s) Unofficial

10 Rounds of:

9 Thrusters (65#)
35 Rope Skips

Rx was 95# thrusters and double unders

I finished in around 17 minutes, splitting the thrusters up into sets of 5 and 4 and taking 10-15 second transitions between rounds.

Cooled down walking on treadmill for 5 minutes then

Strict Pull-up ladder


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Split Jerk

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Coach Soloman - (9 AM) - 7 of us including Brian, Erin, Chris and me

Warm Up

Jump rope with braided rope followed by WMCF Dynamic Warm up

2x Split Jerk from behind the neck  Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds

This felt good, but it was unnerving to lower the bar back to behind the neck.  It was also tough to just drop it to behind the neck.  This certainly taxed my shoulders.

I used


for the 10 sets


9 min AMRAP of 10m Plate OH Walking Lunges (45#) and 6 Power Snatch (155#).

I scaled this workout to use a 25# plate and 75# Power Snatch and it was still a tough workout.  I managed to get through 3 full rounds, the walking lunges (4 points) and 4 Power Snatches for a total of 38.

Cooling down we did some Double Dutch jump roping and I was thrilled to get in and get a half dozen repts.

Monday, March 20, 2017

HSPU, Thrusters

Monday, March 20, 2017


Coach Sol - (9 AM) - 8 of us, but only 5 doing WOD, rest were doing 17.4

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF dynamic warm up


5 rounds for time of

30 seconds L hang
1 minute rest

I did the HSPU with my feet piked on a 24" box.  I still had to break them up into sets of 4, then 3 reps.  I just did hanging knee raise and by the 3rd round, I could barely manage 10-15 seconds before resting and resetting


7 minute cap to perform

21 Thrusters (95#)
30 DU
15 Thrusters
30 DU
9 Thrusters
30 DU

I did 65# thrusters and had to break up the sets.  I got 10 reps unbroken and then was doing sets of 5.  I did not have my double unders today and did 60 single unders each round.  I was capped on my last set of jump rope at 46 reps.  With the time penalty, my score was 7:07.

Cash Out

6 minute EMOM of 50m sprint


Friday, March 17, 2017

17.4 Deadlift, Wall Ball, Row

Friday, March 17, 2017

West Metro CrossFit

Coach Sol - (9:00 AM) - 5 of us including, Ben, Chris, Meghan, Christy and me

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF dynamic warm-up, deadlift technique


13 minute AMRAP

55 Deadlift (225 Rx, 135 Sc)
55 Wall Ball Shots (20# ball, 10' Rx, 9' Sc)
55 Calorie Row
55 HSPU or Hand Release Push-ups

I ended up doing this one scaled and got 162 reps.  I finished the deadlift in 3:58 and the wall ball shots in 8:54.  I thought I was on track to finish the row, but did not have it in me, coming up 3 calories short.  I am very pleased with the effort.

17.4 is a repeat of 16.4.  Last year I did finish the row.  I finished the deadlifts at 3:30, and the wall ball shots at 8:36, and just got the calories at 12:56.  Consider that I trained on my own for the majority of last year, dropping off a few calories is not too shabby.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Squat Clean

Monday, March 13, 2017


Coach Soloman - (12:00 PM) - 5 of us including Dillon and Adan

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF dynamic warm-up


30 Squat Cleans - 8 minute time cap

I opted for 75# and this turned out to be the right weight.  I started with 5 in succession, then doubles, then singles.  I finished in 6:09 and felt pretty good about the effort.  Rx was 155#.


10 minute EMOM of

2 Power Cleans (95#, touch and go)
8 Box Jumps (24")

Rx was 30" box jumps and a heavy weight.  I might have had 115# in me, but even the 24" box jumps got tough.  I finished the first 3 rounds with about 5 seconds rest and was quickly in a deficit.  I did finish the workout, completing the last 4 box jumps after time was called.

Cash Out

Strict Pull-ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 with same quantity of deep breaths between sets.

I was doing OK on the first 3 sets, but then broke up the sets of 4 and entirely skipped the set of 5. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Back Squat

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Aspire Fitness

9:30 AM

Warm Up

Jump Rope, Sampson Stretches

Back Squat

Warm up with 45#, 95#, 135#



Strict 3-3-2-2-2-3
Kipping 2
C2B 1-1

30 minutes total workout

Friday, March 10, 2017

17.3 Pull-ups / Squat Snatch

Friday, March 10, 2017


Coach Soloman - (9:00 AM) - 4 of us including Chris (who went Rx)

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF Dynamic Warm-up, pass throughs, Squat Snatch Warm-up



3 Rounds of 6 jumping chin over bar pull-ups, 6 squat snatch (45#)
3 Rounds of 7 jumping chin over bar pull-ups, 5 squat snatch (75#)
8 minute cap with time bonus to complete squat snatches at 95-115-135-155
Rx was C2B and snatch at 95-135-185-225-245-265#

I knew this would be tough and I paced accordingly.  My 1RM is 65# so I did not know what to expect.

I finished the first set of 3 rounds in 4:29, then knocked out the 7 pull-ups.  I missed my first attempt at 75#, then slowed down and got 3 reps with long breaks in between before the time cap.

Total Reps = 46

If I consider redoing this one, I could probably grab 6 C2B for an Rx score.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Snatch Hook Grip Deadlift

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Coach Soloman - (9:00 AM) - 3 of us including Judy and me

Warm Up

400m Run and WMCF dynamic warm-up


Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Snatch Grip "Hook Grip" Deadlift x 3 reps
- work on your grip here, reps should be touch and go
- increase load as possible

This was definitely grip taxing.  I used
135-145-155-165-175-180-185-190# for the 8 sets.


Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of Double Unders
EMOM - Odd 5 burpees, Even 5 wall ball shots (20#)

The workout started 3, 2, 1, go and then 5 burpees and then as many double unders as possible before minute 1 was up.  I got 18 on the first round and progressively fewer every round.  On the last round after the 5 wall ball shots, I only got 3 reps and could not link anything together.  Total reps was 78.  I felt like my form was really good on the burpees and wall ball shots.

Finish with Iron Scapula -

WY Negative
Tiger Walk
Bear Hug
Snow Angel

I dropped off the prescribed reps as the sets wore on.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Front Squats

Monday, March 6, 2017


Coach Ben - (9:00 AM) - 11 of us including Erin and me

Warm Up

400m Run, WMCF Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squat

Build to weight then:


5 sets of:

Front Squat x 3 reps @ 23X2
– all sets should be performed at the same heavy load
– rest 2 minutes between sets

I was still feeling the hamstrings so I opted to go pretty light on this.  I did the first 2 sets at 95# and then went up to 115# for the last 3 sets.  The hamstrings did fine.

23X2 = 2 seconds lower-3 seconds hold at bottom-X as fast as possible up-2 seconds hold at top


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
10 Thrusters (105/70)
20 Push Ups

This was my first time trying double unders in a WOD.  I was able to do them all (counting my attempts also).  True double unders were around 40 per round.  I did string together around 10 several times.  I used 65# for the thrusters and still had to break them up on the second and third rounds.  The Push ups were as bad as expected and I usually started with 3-4 before doing double and then singles.  I finished with 3 rounds + 5 reps.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

17.2 - Walking Lunges, Hanging Knee Raise/Pull-ups, Power Cleans

Friday, March 3, 2017

West Metro CrossFit

Coach Steph Smith - (12:00 PM) - Dillon and me

Warm Up

400m Run, deep squat, Reverse Lunge/Frankenstein, Pass throughs, Crossover Symmetry, Muscle-up progression


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars (scale with hanging knee raises)
8 power cleans

Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle-ups (scale with chin over bar pull-ups)
8 power cleans

Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

Men use 50-lb. dumbbells (scale with 35# dumbbells)
Women use 35-lb dumbbells

Arriving at the gym, I had every intention of doing this work out Rx, getting 78 reps and then struggling to land a bar muscle up.  After hoisting the 50# dumbbells to the front rack position and taking one step, those delusions of grandeur were out the window.  I quickly grabbed the 35# dumbbells and waited for 3.. 2.. 1.. GO!

The first 25 feet were OK, but I was hesitant and taking smaller steps than I should have been.  I set the db down and reset for the next 25 feet.  The hanging knee raises were fine and I broke those into sets of 4.  The power cleans were pretty wonky as well, I did 4 reps, 3 reps and the final rep before starting the next round of walking lunges.  Round 2 was the same as Round 1.  Round 3 was actually proceeding a little better.  Getting on the bar for the chin ups was tougher than I thought.  My hands were getting lit and I did singles for the chin over bar pull-ups.  When I reached down to grab the db for the power cleans, I felt my right hamstring tighten.  I did 1 power clean, looked at 10:45 on the clock and nearly bagged the workout right there.  I stretched it for about 20 seconds and then returned to my db.  I finished the round at 11:50 and opted to let the clock tick down.  My final score was 102 reps with an 11:50 tie breaker.

Similar to 16.1, the walking lunges got me again.  I think I could have met the standard for T2B, but I was not making it across the floor with essentially 100# walking lunges.  It was still a really good workout.  Steph gave me some great tips on bar muscle ups and I will be working on my lever, using my knees and trying to keep my weight underneath me rather than my legs flying forwards.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Squat Snatch

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

West Metro CrossFit

Coach Soloman - (9:00 AM) - 5 of us

Warm Up

400m Run and WMCF Dynamic warm up (added duck walks)

Squat Snatch

18 Squat Snatches every 70 seconds

After technique demo and building up weight.

I used 65# and only missed 1 rep getting very close to parallel every time.  The recovery time was sufficient, but it was tough to get stable under the bar.


5 Rounds for time

5 Hang Squat Snatch (55#/45#)
10 Burpees

7 minute cap

I used 55# for the first 2 rounds and then went to 45# for the next rounds.  Rx was 115# for men.

I looked up at the clock and saw 1:30 after the first round and knew it would be tough to finish.  I got through 4 burpees on the 4th round for a time penalty of 21 seconds.


Finished with couch stretch and proud pigeon