Sunday, January 24, 2016
Coach Amy
(9AM) Kat, Andrew, Ben, Rich, Anke, Mandy several others and me, around 10 of us
Warm Up
400m run followed by high kicks, front splits, seal drag, duck walk, hops with high hips, forward rolls with frog hops, cartwheels, handstand walk (I did kick ups), handstand into roll (I did kick ups).
Chest to Bar
Rope Climbs (legless)
Bar Muscle Ups
Handstand Walking
Dips on Big Boy Rings
I worked on chest to bar pull ups and got to the point of doing a couple of singles. Then I worked on legless rope climbs. I could get hand over hand a few times. Finally I worked on ring dips and did a few singles. We had 20 minutes to work on skills.
Skills WOD for Quality
10 minute AMRAP
15 foot handstand walk
10 C2B
10 High Dips
10 C2B
15 foot handstand walk
I did this workout with 30 foot bear crawl, regular pull ups and parallel bar dips. I finished 1 round and got through 11 reps of the second round, stopping right before dips.
6 minute AMRAP
1 legless rope climb / half legless rope climb
1 skin the cat
1 bar mu
1 cartwheel
I did regular rope climbs, swing to roughly toes to bar, chest to bar pull up and my interpretation of a cartwheel. I did 3 + 1 round and felt really good about the effort.
Later in the afternoon, I spent 10 minutes on jump rope drills.
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