Monday, October 19, 2015

Hero WOD Andy

Monday, October 19, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) Mary, Clay, Daryl, Angelica, Tim, Ben, Grant, James and myself

Warm Up

Run to the fence, 20 air squats and run back.  Then with 45# barbell 10 straight leg deadlifts, 10 hang muscle clean, 10 thrusters, and 10 hang muscle snatch.  Muscle clean and snatch refers to just using extending and landing the clean on your collar bones or snatch overhead (you can finish on toes).  Then 2 more rounds of 5 repetitions of each motion at our own pace



4 Rounds for time:  21 Calorie row, 11 Power clean, 85#, 28 Wallball shots, 20#, 8 Power snatch, 85#

I did the workout with a 65# barbell and 14# wallball and it was still a tremendous effort to finish in 25:47.  I was breaking the power cleans in 2 sets, the wallballs into 4-5 sets and the power snatches into 2 sets.

Mobility – finish with couch stretch, legs flared against wall, squat against wall and foam roller on back.

Today’s workout is to honor someone from our Colorado CrossFit Family.  Andy Schwiesow had been a member of CrossFit Verve since April 2011 and regularly came to classes with a barbell focus.  Andy’s first workout as a member of Verve was 4-21-11 and his birthday is 8-28-85.  They designed this workout for a tall man with an enjoyment for throwing around a barbell.  Andy unfortunately passed away after a tragic accident last month leaving behind a young family. A scholarship fund has been created for Andy’s children, Bella (3) and Charlie (1), donations can be made out to LUMC and the memo line needs to state “Bella and Charlie Schwiesow fund”.  If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email

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