Friday, October 30, 2015


Friday, October 30, 2015

Coach Matt

(11AM) Ashley, DW, Bill, Tom, Dan, Clay, Ilian, and me

Warm Up

75m High Knees, 75m Butt Kicks, 150 shuffling, 75m skipping for height, 75m skipping for distance, then 3 rounds of 15 Slam Balls (25#), 6 Pushups alternating on Slam Ball, and 15 Slam Ball Front Squats


6 Rounds For time (25min cap) 9 Toes to Bar, 18 Burpees to 6” reach, 27 Wallball 20/14# @10/9’, L2:  KTE and lighter ball, L1:  6-12-18 Reps for 6 Rounds

This was another sufferfest workout similar to yesterday.  I did the L1 workout.  I was doing 6 leg raises in place of T2B and nearly getting KTE on several rounds.  I was preceding the first rep with a few kips.  The 12 burpees were really tough.  I quickly switched to 6+6 and by the last round it was 3+3+3+3.  The Wallballs were much better today.  I was making a point of setting myself in a neutral spine for the catch.  I still split up the 18 shots, but I felt like my form and accuracy were much better.  I still counted several under 10’.  I finished the 6 rounds in 24:41.

Mobility – Finished with banded shoulder stretches, squat on wall and flared legs on wall.

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