Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Coach Andrea

(11AM) James, Mark, Ben, Bill, Tom, Darryl and me

Warm Up

5 minutes of jump rope including singles, stepping legs forward and back, stepping legs out and in, high jumps, high jumps with double unders thrown in

3 rounds of 5 strict toes to bar and 15 seconds “L”hold.  I was really struggling with this and my toes to bar looked very similar to my “L” hold position.  The “L” holds started at about 45 degrees and quickly degraded to raised knees.


6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Weighted Pull Ups.  I did the 6-5-4 un-weighted.  I added 2.5# for 3 reps, 5# for 2 reps and 8# for 1 rep.  Since I had a little extra time, I tried a rep with 10# also.


3 rounds of 50 DU, 25 Push-ups, 50 DU and 25 Burpees.  10 Minute Cap.

Andrea suggested I do half double unders and it still took me over 9 minutes to finish 1 round.  I started the second and only managed 10 double unders.

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