Wednesday, July 22, 2015

CrossFit Jerk / Lateral Jumps

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) 12 participants, 8 guys (Michael), 4 girls (Angela)

Warm Up

500m Run then 3 Rounds / 10 minutes of overhead prep:  10 Cat/Camel for Thoracic 2 second holds, 10 Crossover Symmetry (athletic base, squeeze shoulder blades, end in “w” position), 10 Strict Press empty barbell (35#)

Also did 3 overhead squats/good mornings with arms wide, slightly in, normal, slightly narrow and very narrow (15 OHS/GM total).  Every other position we threw in 20 lateral jumps over bar (60 total).


Jerk Balances 5x3/leg, from the front, not a max effort.

This was tricky.  Start in good jerk position and then step lead foot back about 12 inches.  I need to work on my back leg being more bent and pigeon toed in.  I did sets with 45#, 45#, 65#, 65#, and 65#.  Placed some strain on my shoulders.


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time Russian KB Swing 2/1.5pd and Lateral Jumps 24/20”.  I did the 55# (1.5pd) and 20” and was really struggling.  I was the last one finished in 8:10. 

We finished with a little different mobility.  We started with hamstring stretches with a band then did some yoga like stuff including pigeon pose, getting on our backs and rocking knees to either side, rolling onto back with legs straight or bent and then child pose.

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