Friday, July 31, 2015

CrossFit Wall Balls

Friday, July 31, 2015

Coach Jeremy

(11AM) 10 of us, 6 guys (Ben, AJ, … and me), 4 girls (Val, Ashley, …, )

Warm Up

“Sally Song” paused air squats, run 100 yards, 3 rounds of 10 lat pull down with medium band attached to rig and PVC and 10 candlestick to pancake.


5 Rounds for Time of 15 Toes to Bar, 20 Calorie Row, 25 Wallballs (20#).

Jeremy coached this workout to focus on pacing and metabolic efficiency.  When demonstrating toes to bar his goal was to keep legs straight and time the pivot with the kip.  Bending the knees to get the toes to the bar was not encouraged.  On the 20 calorie row, a steady pace was encouraged with a pause after the pull to allow the flywheel to slow down.  Finally on wallballs, we did an exercise going as slow as possible for 5 wallballs and as fast as possible for 5 wallballs.  All out took the time from 12 seconds to 10 seconds and was substantially more taxing.

I had to mod the workout.  I took my toes about halfway up rather than toes to bar and for the wallballs I used 14#.  While I was shooting for 10’, I would argue only 3-4 per round made it, the rest were squarely in the women’s 9’ target band.  I finished in 21:57 with pretty steady pacing (4-5 minutes per round).

Finished with mobility, couch stretch 2 minutes each leg, foam roller, wrist mobility, and some static ring work.  When holding yourself up, I was encouraged not to shrug my shoulders and try to point my wrists forward.  When holding yourself at the bottom, have biceps touch the ring or shoulders below elbow.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

CrossFit – Push Jerk

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) Ashley, Michael, Tim and me

Warm Up

3 rounds of 25 Jumping Jacks, 10 Crossover SymmetryOverhead, 3 Presses in Split Leg Barbell (45#), 30 seconds of foam rolling the Lats each side.


Push Jerk in Split From Front Rack, 5x3 reps/leg (75#).  Working on spending time in a good split, not a max effort.  Feet should be spaced around 2PM and 8PM on clock face, hips tucked under (not pushed forward).  Dip, drive, get under.  It will feel like a big bend in the back knee when I got under.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:  30 reps (15/leg) Plate Overhead Walking Lunge, 15 Ring Dips.  Plate must be locked overhead with straight arms and back knee must touch the ground.  L3:  45# plate, L2:  25# plate, parallel bar dips, L1:  15# plate, triceps dips on box or parallettes.

I knew this would be tough and scaled accordingly.  I opted for a 15# plate and started with parallel bar dips.  I only made it through the first round.  Starting with the second round, I did more and more jumping dips.  As the timer clicked down to zero, I ended up with 3 + 32 rounds.  I completed the 15 each leg and 2 of the dips.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CrossFit Bench Press

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Coach Pat

(11AM) 10 of us 2 girls (Erika, Paige), 8 guys (AJ, Rusty, …, and me)

Warm Up

500m Row then 3 Rounds of 10 Plank to Pillar, 5 Inchworm (no Pushup), 5 Side Planks With Dips/Side.  

We skipped the 500m Row and instead experimented with the operation of our shoulder joints.  We did the plank to pillar 5 in each direction each round.  We did the inch worm and side planks on the first 2 rounds.  I supported my weight with my high leg each time.  On the last round we skipped the inch worms and planks and instead hung from a pull up bar for 30 seconds.


Not For Time alternating rounds with a partner.  Bench for Max Reps (1 attempt at each weight). 


In between each set complete a max set of strict pull-ups.

I paired with Rusty.  We warmed up at 45#, 75#, 95# and 135#.  We skipped 225# and started at 185#.  I did banded pull-ups.  The intent was to get between 10-20 reps on pull-ups, but I was really shot after the bench press.

185# 1 rep, 9 pull-ups
155# 6 reps, 8 pull-ups
135# 9 reps, 7 pull-ups
95# 13 reps, 6 pull-ups

Instead of 5 sets, we finished with pushups in a group.  I got 12 pushups, versus Pat's 53!


2x500m Row, rest as needed between.

We did 1x500m Row all out and I finished in 1:59.


3x10 GHD Situps or 3x10 Janda Situps

We skipped these but Erika helped me out with technique and I did 3 sets of 10 reps, 9 reps and 4 reps of GHD Situps respectively.  I did not feel confident locking out my legs to pop-up.

We finished with Shoulder stretches against rack with arm overhead pressing against rack and arm bent pressing against rack.

Monday, July 27, 2015

CrossFit - "Helen"

Monday, July 27, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) – 9 including me, 3 girls (Mandy, ..), 6 guys (Steve, Dan, … and me)

Warm Up

400m Run, 4 point Cossack Squat Mobility, 10-20 Perfect Kips, 10 Second Hold in Squat Therapy.  We did 3 rounds of the warm up sequence (not including the run).  For Cossack squat mobility we focused on neutral back by using 3 points of contact with a PVC pipe.  I managed around 15 kips, but they were not quite perfect.  The squat therapy was really cool.  Face the wall with toes about 8 inches away and drop into a squat.  It is very tempting to angle toes out, drop chest and/or lower arms.  We dropped and held for a couple of seconds 3 times rather than doing a single 10 second hold.  We also did some pass throughs and around the back with PVC pipes.


Front Squat:  3x3 @ Same Weight.  Work up to a heavy weight (about 80% or less). Not a max effort.

I partnered with Dan.  We did 5x45#, 5x75#, 5x95# and finally 3x125#.  I was reminded to keep my toes forward and feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.  I did the 3x3 @ 125#.


“Helen” (Sub 15min):  3 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 21 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood), 12 Pull-ups.  L2:  Yellow/Blue or RKBS with Green/Yellow, Jumping CTB.

The last time I did this workout was on June 1, 2015 and it took me 14:03.  I again opted for 1 pood rather than 1.5 pood and wanted to do pull-ups.  Coach Meriah drew the line in the sand at 4:00 for the first round.  If I could not manage this, I would switch to jumping CTB.  I tore through the first round in 3:28.  I did slow down on the second round getting through at 7:20 (3:52 for round 2).  I finished in 11:32 (4:12 for round 3) which is an amazing 2:30 PR!!

Friday, July 24, 2015

CrossFit – Rope Climbs

Friday, July 24, 2015

Coach Jeremy

(11AM) 9 participants, 2 girls (Anita, Val), 7 guys (Rusty, Ben, Steve, James, .and me)

Warm Up

3 Rounds of 25 Jumping Jacks, 10 Stiff Leg DL with KB (35#), 5 Goblet Squats with 10 second Pause on the last one, 10 second Flex Arm Hang

Demo your rope climb, work up squat weight


4 Rounds:  Each Round has 3 Cycles of 2 Front Squats (70% of 1RM from Rack), 240 foot shuttle run (60 ft out 60 ft back x 2), and 1 Legless Rope Climb (L2:  Rope Climb, L1:  Partial ROM or 2 assisted rope climb).  Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

I worked up to 115# (10# heavier than Tuesday) and did regular rope climbs.  My forearms were really burning on the last round.  The 2 minute rest helped a lot, but did very little to relax my forearms.  All of my classmates finished in under 20 minutes when I was starting my last round.  I finished in 24:52 and felt really good about it.

Cool down with mobility day 2.  I did the squat against the wall, flared legs against the wall, forearm stretches, and shoulder stretch with band.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

CrossFit Jerk / Lateral Jumps

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) 12 participants, 8 guys (Michael), 4 girls (Angela)

Warm Up

500m Run then 3 Rounds / 10 minutes of overhead prep:  10 Cat/Camel for Thoracic 2 second holds, 10 Crossover Symmetry (athletic base, squeeze shoulder blades, end in “w” position), 10 Strict Press empty barbell (35#)

Also did 3 overhead squats/good mornings with arms wide, slightly in, normal, slightly narrow and very narrow (15 OHS/GM total).  Every other position we threw in 20 lateral jumps over bar (60 total).


Jerk Balances 5x3/leg, from the front, not a max effort.

This was tricky.  Start in good jerk position and then step lead foot back about 12 inches.  I need to work on my back leg being more bent and pigeon toed in.  I did sets with 45#, 45#, 65#, 65#, and 65#.  Placed some strain on my shoulders.


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time Russian KB Swing 2/1.5pd and Lateral Jumps 24/20”.  I did the 55# (1.5pd) and 20” and was really struggling.  I was the last one finished in 8:10. 

We finished with a little different mobility.  We started with hamstring stretches with a band then did some yoga like stuff including pigeon pose, getting on our backs and rocking knees to either side, rolling onto back with legs straight or bent and then child pose.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

CrossFit Speed Squats

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Coach Pat

(11AM) Mandy, Ben, Chris, Cameron, AJ and me

Warm Up

400m Run followed by 3 rounds of Deadbug Home 10 sec hold, Deadbug R arm / L Leg then LA/RL, both arms both legs, 5 goblet squat, hold the one for 10 seconds in the bottom.

This warm up really activated your core.  I could not get through the Deadbug positions.  Home position is arms and legs straight up, knees straight and toes flexed.  Slowly lower into the alternating positions and then return to home.  On the goblet squats, Coach Pat threw in bicep curls in the squat position and holding the kb behind the back to incorporate a bit of triceps stretch.


Front Squat:  Find your 3 rep max.  Speed Front Squats:  8x3 completed on the minute.  Work up to a weight that you can complete the 3 reps every minute for 8 minutes focused speed while keeping good positioning.  The down and up should look the same, no pause at the top.  If you lean, it’s too mean!  This is for speed and explosive power, not a max effort.

We had 5 minutes to work up the weight.  I did 45#, 65#, 95# and then a couple more at 95#.  For the workout I used 105#.  I started to lose speed on the later rounds, but my form seemed to hold up OK.  This was the right weight for me.


Row 1500m for time, every minute complete 5 burpees.

I was dreading this from the moment I read it.  I must get better at burpees.  Starting off with the row, I ticked off about 250m in the first minute.  After that it took me about 30 seconds to get through the burpees and get back on the rower which only provided 30 seconds of rowing time (~125m).  I ended up finishing in 11:28 which includes 55 burpees.  All things considered I maintained reasonably good form and finished strong.  Most folks finished under 10 minutes, which of course saved them 10 burpees.

Overall Impressions

This was my first time meeting Pat who seems like a good guy.  He took the time to explain some of the theory behind speed squats and how they approach the Power = Work / Time by focusing on the denominator rather than the numerator.  

Monday, July 20, 2015

CrossFit Deadlifts - Pull Ups

Monday, July 20, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) 1 girl, 6 guys including me

Warm Up

2 laps of both long stairs and then 3 rounds:  10 perfect kips with hollow position, 5 SHSPU (or  5 eccentric HSPU / 10 seconds of tripod / frog stand), 10 banded good mornings, 10 single leg glute bridges (10/leg).

I don’t know how perfect my kips were, but the hand stand push-ups were not happening.  Coach Meriah got me started with tripods, but I was only managing 3-4 seconds.  Start with hands shoulder width apart and rock forward with triceps on knees and support weight with your vertical forearms.  A tripod is formed by touching your head to the floor, it should not be supporting any weight.


Pull-up / Dip Complex:  3 regular pull up & 3 dips, 3 narrow grip pull up & 3 dips, 3 wide grip pull up & 3 dips, 3 reverse grip pull up & 3 dips, 3 mixed grip pull up & 3 dips, switch hand positions for 3 more mixed grip pull up & 3 dips, 3 false grip pull up & 3 dips.  I skipped the reverse and only used the same hand position for 6 mixed grip.  I needed a spotter for narrow, wide and false grip.  Some guys were using a weight vest.


3 rounds for time:  400m Run, 21 Chest to Bar Pull ups, 12 Deadlifts (275#).  L2:  225# & regular pull ups.  L1:  185# & Ring Rows or 21 Jumping Chest to Bar.

I did jumping chest to bar and 155# deadlifts.  That was really tough.  Considering my max deadlift is 235#, there was no way I could have gone 12 reps at 185#.  I was able to do jumping chest to bar and getting something out of it, but it is hard to get the right balance of jump / strength.  I ended up finishing in 17:12.  I need to keep in mind a neutral back and high butt during deadlifts.  Coach Meriah ran over to correct my rounded back on the first set.

We finished with Mobility Day 2 (split legs against wall, hamstring, shoulders, etc.)

Friday, July 17, 2015

CrossFit Signe

Friday, July 17, 2015

Coach Jeremy

(11AM) Clelyn, Ashley, 3rd girl, Cameron, Doug, Steve and me

Warm Up

500m Row (no straps) then 3 rounds or 10 minutes of 10 RKBS (35#), 10 single Leg KB Deadlifts (5&5), 10 second Handstand Hold.  For the Handstand Holds, I just did wall walk ups for 10 seconds.  Even these were a little unnerving.

Then 60 foot Bear Crawl Forward and 60 foot Bear Crawl Backwards, 30 foot Crab Walk Forward, 30 foot Crab Walk Backwards, 30 foot Crab Walk Sideways, 30 foot Crab Walk other Sideways.  For the crab walks it was important to keep the hips high, but I failed miserably on that account.


Signe” 7 Rounds:  In 2 minutes complete 200m Run, Max Rep Burpees in remaining time.  1 Minute rest in between rounds.  Score is total reps of burpees.

This was brutal.  The only thing that got me past the 3rd round was the camaraderie of my fellow athletes and the thought of that poor girl with brain cancer.  I managed 14+11+10+9+10+9+10 = 73 burpees.  Cameron got 135!

I finished with chest stretches and foam rolling on my quads.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

CrossFit Chest to Bar

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) Mandy, Kirsten, Steve and me

Warm Up

No foot strap 500m row then 3 rounds of 10 second static side pillar hold followed by 10 side pillar hip dips.  Repeat on other side.  Flex feet up and have elbow on ground, upper arm vertical, keep hips in control during up and downs.  10 Candlestick to Pancake.  Roll back and push feet straight towards the ceiling bringing hips off the ground.  Roll forward and reach out for your toes.  Feet can be straight in front of you or splayed.  10 second arm hang or flex arm hang with 3 count negative.  Jump up and hold your chin above the bar and then lower slowly.


4 rounds for reps/meters/weight of:  Max Effort Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull-ups, rest 1 minutes, 1 minute Weight Plank Hold 45#, rest 1 minute, 1 minute Max Effort Row for Meters, rest 1 minute.  L2:  Elevated ring Rows 35#.  L1:  Ring Rows and un-weighted planks.

We did this as a partner workout to incorporate the 1 minute rests.  Instead of Chest to Bar and did inverted pulls on a racked barbell about mid torso high.  Important pointers are to keep feet flexed, pull bar to sternum, no kipping, and unbroken motion.  I got 14/12/12/9.

For the planks I did 25# place over my lower back and successfully got through all four rounds.
For the max effort row, I got 216, 230, 244 and 252 meters.

We finished with mobility.

When I mentioned to Meriah that my glutes were in bad shape, her reply was “No, they are just reminding you how much they loved yesterday’s workout.”

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CrossFit Jerk / Sandbag Mile

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Coach Andrea

(11AM) George, Steve, Jay and me

Warm Up

400m Run followed by 3 rounds of 10 minutes of Overhead Prep:  10 Cat / Camel Thoracic with 2 second holds, Crossover Symmetry and 10 Strict Press with PVC / empty bar bell (45#).  For the Crossover Symmetry we went through 3 different sequences using the yellow and purple bands (1) Crossover pulling arms out, (2) Squeeze shoulder blades together and then cross out, (3) lower anchors and alternate crossing over up then out.


Skill:  Jerks
Push Jerk Behind the Neck 4 sets of 2/3 each leg.  Not a max effort, but get as heavy as you can with good positions with both legs.  Purpose to spend time in the split, and learn what it’s like to have weight overhead in good position.

After warming up with just the bar I did 4 sets:  3 x 65#, 2 x 70#, 2 x 70#, 2 x 70#.  The motion is to dip drive and get under it.  I had a tendency to press it up rather than pop it up.  My feet needed to be wider apart.  It was weird having my left foot forward for split jerks.

I really appreciated that Coach Andrea provided a lot more feedback than Coach Meriah or Coach Jeremy.


1 Mile Sandbag Walk (do not run).  Every minute 3 walking lunges each leg.  L3:  75#, L2:  60#,  L1:  45#.  I opted for the 45# bag and struggled with that.  My right hamstring started to tighten up on the second set of lunges, but I managed to make it through in 22:00.  My form was degraded and I wasn’t going as far down on the later sets of lunges.


Couch stretch, Hamstring stretch, groin stretch, hang from bar to open up back, and banded shoulder stretch.

Monday, July 13, 2015

CrossFit BASELINE / Sled Pulls

Monday, July 13, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) 11 including me 8 guys (Todd, Tim, Steve…), 3 girls (Lani, C?,…)

Warm Up

400m run followed by 3 rounds or 10 minutes of 100 Single Unders, 10 Medicine Ball Front Squats (14#), 10 Hollow Rocks, and 10 Plank Walk Ups.  I got through Round 2 of Single Unders.


“Baseline” for Time:  500m Row, 40 Air Squats, 30 Abmat Sit-ups, 20 Push-ups, 10 Pull-ups.  This was a pretty cool work out that really does act as a good baseline.  I guess this is repeated every 5 weeks or so.  The last one was May 1st.  I finished in 7:26 which was behind my peers, but better than I expected.

Then we did 5 rounds for intensity of 60 foot sled walk, 60 foot sled sprint, 60 foot sled walk, 60 foot sled sprint and 60 foot sled walk.  This was not timed, but I gave it a full effort.  As a partner workout, we spent about 25 minutes on it before moving to mobility.  I was partnered with C?  On the first round I did the sled plus 110#.  On the next 4 rounds I dropped it to the sled plus 65#.  [L3/Rx:  Body Weight, L2:  135#, L1:  115#]


Finished with couch stretch and groin stretch

Overall Impressions

I signed up for the unlimited month-to-month option which was pro-rated for July.

Friday, July 10, 2015

CrossFit Fran

Friday, July 10, 2015

Coach Jeremy

(11AM) 11 including me, 5 girls (Lani, Blair,… 6 guys (Steve, Rusty,..)

Warm Up

3 rounds or 10 min of 250m Row, 10 Ring Rows, 10 Plank Walk Ups with Negative (this is like an inchworm but you stay in place)


Weighted Pull-Up and Front Squats.  Work up to a weight to complete 3 sets of 3 reps.  Do not go to failure in either movement then…

“Fran” 21-15-9 reps for time of Thruster (95#), Pull-Ups

L2:  75#, jumping chest to bar pull-ups; L1:  65#, jumping pull-ups

For my Front Squats I went 3x45#, 3x65#, 3x75#.  For my Weighted Pull-ups I went 0#, 10#, 10#.  I was really proud of myself for getting strict pull-ups with a 10# plate squeezed between my feet.  On the last set, the last rep was questionable.

For Fran, I opted for L1 (65#, jumping).  The last time I did Fran was with 45# and jumping pull-ups.  I finished in 7:10 on May 22, 2015.  65# made a big difference and I felt my right quad tightening up during the round of 21, despite breaking it down into sets of 11 and 10.  I have never been so relieved to start pull-ups.  I did these in rounds of 5-7 reps.  On the round of 15, I did shorter sets on both thrusters and pull-ups.  I ended up finishing in 8:27.  This was much closer to the 10 minute cap than I expected, but still one step closer to Rx.

Overall Impressions

And so ends the Perfect Week of Elizabeth, Eva, Kelly, Isabel and Fran.  I missed Eva (5 rounds for time of 800m Run, 30 KB swings (2 pood) and 30 pull-ups, L1 <1.0 pood, 20 pull-ups and 400m runs) and don’t feel too bad about that.  My hamstrings were done after Elizabeth.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

CrossFit Isabel

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11 AM) 6 including me, 2 girls, 4 guys

Warm Up

600m Run, followed by 3 rounds of 5 Strict Pull Ups, 10 Boot Busters (grab the top of your foot and extend your legs, for a hamstring stretch), and a 200m Run

We warmed up with light weights (35#) doing High Hang Snatches, Behind the neck Push Presses, Push Press into a Squat, and then Overhead Squats.

To work up the weight a three rep sequence of Snatches, then Behind the neck Push Press, and then Behind the neck Push Press dropping into an Overhead Squat.  I did 55#, 65# and 75#.

Coach Meriah marked my feet as I was landing wide.  Set position should be dead lift foot position.  Land position should be air squat position.


“Isabel” 30 Snatches (135#)

L2:  Use 60-70% of 1 RM, L1:  Use less than 60% of 1RM.  As I had recently done this workout, I opted for 65#, rather than the 55# I used last time.  I managed to finish in 4:12 (compared to 3:59 at 55# on 6/30/2015).


Hamstring:  Lay on back, hook band on one leg straight up, pivot foot toward midline and away from midline, swing leg towards floor.

Groin stretch against wall:  Knees bent and legs splayed

Shoulder stretches

Overall Impressions

12X/month - $165 monthly (will pro-rate July)

Unlimited/month - $195 monthly

Unlimited/Pre-pay 3 months - $526.50 ($175.50/month, 10% discount)

No discount for military spouses, just the military member.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

CrossFit Kelly

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Coach Meriah

(11AM) 6 including me, 2 girls, 4 guys

Warm Up

3 rounds of 50 single unders, 15 PVC OHS, 60 ft bear crawl, 60 ft bear crawl backwards.  This was capped at 10 minutes and I did not finish the last round of bear crawls.


“Kelly” 5 rounds for time of 30 Wall-Ball Shots (20#, 10’), 30 Box Jumps (24”) and 400m Run.

L2 was 16# and 20”, L3 was 12# and 16”.  I opted for at 14# medicine ball and a 20” box.  There was a 35 minute cap for the workout and I cut it closer than I expected at 33:52.  The first couple of rounds went relatively quick at around 6 minutes each and then I started to slow down.  The Wall-Ball shots really pushed me and my first rounds were around 9.5’.  Coach Meriah challenged me to get the ball all the way over the 10’ line on my last two rounds.  I still have some work to do there.

Overall, I was quite pleased with the effort.


We finished with couch stretch, squat against the wall, against the wall with legs flayed, squat/stretch wall arms grasp the rig, and calf stretches.  The sandwich board has alternating mobility sequences day 1 and day 2.  As I am attending Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I did a blend of both.

Overall Impressions

Coach Meriah explained how programming was going to be geared on 10 week cycles to dive deeper into some core movements.  The next 10 weeks will include Front Squats, Strict Pullups, and Jerks

Monday, July 6, 2015

CrossFit Elizabeth

Monday, July 6, 2015

MBS CrossFit - Coach Meriah

(11AM) 9 including me, 3 girls, 6 guys

Warm Up

400m Run, then 3 rounds of 10 KB Straight Leg Dead Lift (35#), 10 Russian or American KB Swings (35#), 10 Goblet Squat with Pause at Bottom


“Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps for time Clean (135#), Ring Dips

We warmed up the bar (45#) with 2 rounds of 5 Good Mornings, 5 Behind the Neck Presses, and 5 Squats.  Then we did a “Burgener” style warm up with hang high pulls, hang cleans, hang cleans with a slight dip, hang cleans with thighs at 90 degrees and then hang cleans in a full squat.  Next we went to the top of the knee and then mid shin.  We were working all together.

Then we had 10 minutes to get ready for the workout which had a 15 minute cap.  I considered moving to 75#, but decided to stay at 65# instead.  I did a couple of ring dips, but knew that I would not be able to do more than a couple of reps during the workout.

I finished the workout in 9:53 at 65# and jumping ring dips.  I had to break up the cleans in groups of 10, 5, etc and was starting to feel a little tightness in my lower back.  On the first round I did 1 ring dip, before moving to jumping.  On rounds 15 and 9, I could not manage a single one.


We finished with couch stretch (2 minutes each leg).  The next stretch where we shimmied out butt to the wall and had our feet over head in kind of a squat, making sure we did not pivot up our hips, for me this felt like a great groin stretch (2 minutes).  Calf stretch against the wall.  Wrist stretches against the wall in both directions.

I also did a little foam rolling.

Overall Impressions

The facility is really large with a dedicated strength and fundamentals/endurance room.  The main room is huge with a central rig.  There are plenty of weights, rowers, GHD, etc.

Sheena at the front desk is very nice and took me on a tour.  In addition to restrooms with showers, they also have changing rooms and some couches to just hang out at.

Being one of nine participants was a little daunting.  We went around the circle warming up giving the highlight and lowlight of the weekend.  I don’t remember anybody’s name.  That is an upside of Wodify.

11 AM is a pretty good time slot for me.  I am not scrambling to get up in the morning and it is reasonably equivalent to a lunch time workout.

I happened to show up during the "Perfect Week" which will be 5 benchmark workouts featuring the girls.  They are printing up t-shirts and everything.