Monday, May 11, 2015

Crossfit Medicine Ball Push-Up

Monday, May 11, 2015

Coach Zach

(6AM) Nick, Ben, Eric, Kayla, Laura and me


2 rounds of 10 reps:  Samson stretch with 3 second holds, Overhead Squat with PVC (lock arms out, push elbows up), sit-ups, Back extensions (supermans), Pull-ups, Bar dips

Mobility:  Couch stretch

Metcon:  2 Round Sprint of:  500m row, 25 pull-up, 20 medicine ball push-ups (alternating), 30 jumping lunges.

For the pull-ups, I did ring rows.  I was able to manage the 20 pull-ups with assistance during the warm-up but was spent.

Medicine Ball Push-Up:  With feet wider apart place right hand on medicine ball and do a push-up as low as you can go, then place both hands on the medicine ball, then place the left hand only on the medicine ball and the right hand on the ground and do a push up.  The transitions were most difficult for me and although I did the push-ups on my toes, I frequently had a knee down for transitions.

I started the jumping lunges, but switched to in place lunges about half way through each set.

Overall I finished in 19:05 for the scaled work-out.  The triceps felt good, but weak.

Several of my cohorts had bloody hands and I am thankful that I removed my rings prior to class and intend to order some gloves today.

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