Monday, October 14, 2019

Bench Press - Metcon

Monday, October 14, 2019

Crossfit Golden - Lacey/Greg

1200 - 14 of us

Warm Up

90 sec burpee
90 sec pec stretch on rig
90 sec plank push-ups
90 sec banded external rotation
90 sec slow hrpu
90 sec wrist/forearm stretch
90 sec hollow hold to superman
90 sec athletes choice


Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Bench Press ( 3 reps @ 21X1)

Use approximately 70% of your 1-RM, and focus on the speed of the concentric motion – from your chest to full lockout. You want to make that phase as quick and explosive as possible. 

I used 125# and was able to get through all 8 sets with good tempo.  Might have been able to go 5-10# heavier.  Explosiveness slowed down.


Two rounds for time of:
400m Run
20 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (50/35 lbs)
15 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees

*For the Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, hold two dumbbells or kettlebells in the front racked position, then perform 10 reps with one arm while holding the other DB/KB in the front racked position. You must perform 10 reps on one arm before switching to the next arm – 10 Left, 10 Right.

I scaled this to 30# DB and V-Ups.
R1 - 2:15 run / 4:53 round
R2 - 2:51 run / 5:36 round

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