Saturday, March 8, 2025

USAWA - Jeff's 50th Birthday Bash

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Garage Gym


Jarrod, Elijah and Kim came over for Jeff's 50th Birthday Bash hosted by Clark's Gym.  I planned on officiating, but ended up getting sucked into competing.  It was an interesting format with 5 lifts drawn out of hat of 10 potential lifts.

Potential Lifts (****selected)
  • Bench Dip****5th
  • Anderson Squat
  • Jackson Press****3rd
  • Lateral Raise, Lying****2nd
  • One-Hand Pinch Grip Deadlift
  • Strict Curl
  • Press From Rack****1st
  • Reg Parke Bench Press
  • Roman Chair Sit-up****4th
  • Seated Press From Rack
We also completed them in the order drawn.

I did OK, but was certainly not feeling like a beast.
  • Press, From Rack - 105, 115
  • Lateral Raise, Lying - 40, 45, 50
  • Jackson Press - 0 (mobility)
  • Roman Chair Sit-up - 53, 78
  • Bench Dip - 0 (mobility, I could not get my shoulder to drop below my elbow)
The Lateral Raise, Lying and Roman Chair Sit-up populated some vacant records, but nothing that is going to stand for any length of time.

CrossFit Open 25.2 = 22.3

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Westbound CrossFit


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow
Kip Swings
Double Under Technique

CrossFit 25.2

For time:

21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)

Time cap: 12 minutes

♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg)
♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)

This was a repeat of 22.3 when I completed 146 Rx reps on March 11, 2022

This was tougher than I remembered. Being 13 pounds heavier certainly did not do me any favors.  

I kept a similar strategy of doing singles on the pull-ups.  

The double unders started with a big set of 18 and then was going 2-3 reps before failing.  I had one other big set to finish.

The thrusters felt very heavy and I ended up doing 7 sets of 3, with a tie break time of 8:49.

The last 3 minutes were a chipper at the pull-up bar, but I did complete 15 chest to bar pull-ups.  I was not able to make it back to the jump rope or the heavier thrusters.

Doing the workout Saturday was super fun and I was able to help by judging during the next three heats.  I also enjoyed watching the coaches throw down at the end.  I was amazed at watching Ryley execute the whole thing in 6 minutes.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Erg Triathlon

Friday, March 7, 2025

Home Gym



Erg Triathlon

1000 m row
4000 m bike
1000 m ski


Georgia Tech Plates

Although I have no ties to Georgia Tech, I am a sucker for custom plates and was thrilled to grab a pair of these Georgia Tech 45's.  He had 35's as well and was taking offers.  I really wanted a pair and decided, but put out a fair $180 plus shipping price which the seller accepted.  They should arrive March 11th and I am happy to add these to my collection.  Maybe they will live here forever, or maybe they will be traded for something different.

Eleiko Calibrated Pound Plates

I had a chance to look at the following plates, but could not make a deal.  The original asking price for 510 pounds was $6,000 but the best offers he was getting was on the order of $6/pound.  I decided to show up with cash anyway and had a price target of $2.50 to $3.00 per pound.  Unfortunately, we were not able to make a deal.  They are extremely nice and almost seem too fancy to be daily drivers.  More like, "we have company coming over, let's get the nice plates."

He is certainly not in a hurry to sell.  One buyer wanted a pair of 10's and 5's and was willing to pay $250 or $8/pound.  I am not sure if that includes shipping.

I chatted with the buyer for a while and if he does not sell everything as a set, there may be the opportunity to grab some odds and ends.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Philosophy Gym Trap Bar

I am such an equipment snob that the thought of purchasing a trap bar from Walmart makes me throw up in my mouth a little.  However, I had a chance to try out the Philosophy Gym Trap Bar and really liked it.

The handle width (reported at 22.5") is perfect for me.  The knurling is aggressive.  The finish looks great.  It is small (9.5" loadable sleeve) which would be a problem for some, but I would be able to load more than enough weight for me.

The Rogue Trap Bar has 25" handle spacing and larger diameter handles at 1.34 inches.  I was shocked at how much better the Philosophy trap bar felt.  The Rogue bar does have 16 inch loadable sleeves.

Finally the $145 price tag from Walmart is laughably cheap.  I cannot even buy trap bars on Facebook Marketplace for that price.

Sumo Deadlift - Strict Press

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
Sumo Deadlift - 135


25:00 to Complete
5 Sets
3 Dead-stop Sumo Deadlifts @ 70-87%
----2:00 Rest B/t----
4 Sets
5 Strict Press @ 60% and Building Heavy
15 Straight Arm Banded Pull-aparts
----1:30 Rest B/t----

Sumo Deadlift - 165-195-225-255-255

Strict Press - 65-75-75-80-80

I really liked doing this on my own in the garage.  Warm up and strength took me nearly 50 minutes, but I was really able to get after each set and bring my best.  It may be time to start training at home again.

METCON (skipped)

20 Wall Balls (14/10#) to (10/9')
400m Run
20 Wall Balls
500m Row
Max Rep Wall Balls