Thursday, January 31, 2019

Back Squat - Metcon

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Crossfit Golden - Lacey/Diedre

12:00 PM

Warm Up

EMOM 8 mins (2 rounds)

Row 30-40 seconds
10m crab walk
4 each leg single leg jump to 6" box
8 barbell good mornings


5 minutes
5 BS at 32X1 cadence
10 BS
7 BS at 95# (46%)
5 BS at 115# (56%)
2 BS at 135# (66%)

was supposed to be 50% - 8 reps, 60% - 6 reps, 70% - 4 reps

Back Squat

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Back Squat (Max Reps @ 82-85%)
*Sets 1-4 – 4 reps @ 78-85%
*Set 5 – Max Reps @ 82-85%

I figured my max at 205#

Set 1 - 145# (71%)
Set 2 - 155# (76%)
Set 3 - 160# (78%)
Set 4 - 165# (80%)
Set 5 - 165# - 7 reps


(AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 Burpee Pull-Ups
10 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

I scaled this to 35#DB and 14# WBS and still struggled.  The goal was 3-4 rounds, but I quickly realized that would not be possible.  I got through 2 rounds, burpees and then 4 of the 10 DB snatches.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Metcon - Row - BBJO

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Lacey

12:00 PM

Warm Up

Hip Hamstring Stretches


2 Rounds of

25 Jumping Jacks
5 Inch Worm Push-ups
10 Lateral Lunges
10 F/B Arm Circles (Big to Small)
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Star Jumps


(4 Rounds for time)
Four sets for times of:
30/25 Calories of Rowing
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
Rest 5 minutes

I scaled this to 25 calorie rows and 13 BBJO to a 20" box.  The rounds were still excruciating and I finished with


In retrospect, I should have done jump overs on 25# plates and PVC and shot for the 15+ burpees per round.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Lacey/Diedre

12:00 PM

Warm Up

3 rounds of

10 Hamstring sweeps
10 Banded Shoulder Wall Walks
10 Banded Pull Throughs
5 Clamshell planks (each side)


2 Wall Climbs
10 empty bar deadlift (2011)
5 seated DB press
10 light deadlift (95)


Deadlift ( 15 reps @2011)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups  – Max Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Deadlift (10 reps @2011)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups  – Max Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Deadlift (5 Reps @2011)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups  – Max Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes

I used 95/115/135 for the deadlift and scaled the Strict HSPU to seated DB overhead press with 30# DB.  I managed 12/10/9 reps.

I probably should have gone heavier on the DL and lighter on the seated DB OH Press.


Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Slamballs (30/20 lbs)
15 Ab-Mat Sit Ups
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of 4 sets for max reps.

I used a 20# slamball and finished with 6 Rounds + 3 reps.  I kept a pretty good rhythm.  The abmat sit ups limited my performance.

Monday, January 28, 2019


Monday, January 28, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Greg

12:00 PM

Warm Up

5 minute AMRAP

10 air squats
10 mountain climbers (5 each leg, not quick, hold stretch)
10 Pass Throughs
10 Prone arm raises

I got through 2 rounds and started a few more air squats

Barbell Warm Up

5 High Pulls
5 Hang High Cleans
5 Hang Cleans
5 Power Cleans
5 Strict Press
5 Push Press
5 Push Jerk

Power Clean and Push Jerk

1 rep every 2 minutes, build to heavy single



30 Clean and Push Jerk

Rx would be 135/95#

Recommended was 60-65% of early heavy single.

I used 85# (63%) and the weight was on the high side.  I probably should have gone with 75#.

Either way.  I started off with 4 reps and then switched to singles.  I finished in 5:00 and felt good about the effort.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Overhead Press - Back Squat

Saturday, January 26, 2019

BeStrong Strength and Conditioning

2:00 PM

Warm Up

Air squats
Glute stretches

Overhead Press


Back Squat


On both lifts, I was building towards a heavy single and felt pretty good about the effort.

BeStrong Strength and Conditioning is a pretty cool community tucked into a strip mall between a video game store and a trophy shop.  The storefront sign proudly advertises "GYM" without much fanfare.  Inside there are two power cages, two squat racks, several nice benches, dumbbells and lots of cast iron weight.  They have about 170# of bumpers for Olympic lifting.  They also have a t-bar row, stationary bike, and Concept 2 rower along with some other miscellaneous equipment and recover stuff like foam rollers.  They are continuing to build out the facility as space and finances allow.

Saturdays 1-4 PM is open gym and anybody can come by and lift.  They typically also lift at 2 PM on Sundays, and 5PM most weeknights.  I got to meet Cody and Al and the BeStrong certainly has a community set up for competitive powerlifters and folks wanting to get an edge on life through powerlifting.  It is family friendly and there were a couple of little ones running around and a father came in with his son and daughter as I was leaving.

The facility is "always open" for members paying $40 month-to-month, with discounts for 3 month, 6 month and 12 month commitments.  For having just opened in August 2018, they have a good following.  There were about 8-12 people there while I was in and Cody said typically it is just a few of them lifting in the evenings.  They also offer ad hoc and formal coaching, training and programming.

Several of the lifters were originally at Classic Barbell which unfortunately closed down.  This seems more viable, given the smaller space and higher price point.  I definitely plan to drop in again and would consider getting a membership.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Friday, January 25, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Open Gym

2:00 PM

Warm Up

3 Rounds of

10 angled lunges (5 each leg)
10 banded good mornings

Real warm-up called for 10 F/B skater walks, 10 banded good mornings, 10 Jane Fondas, 8 each DB Crossbody RDL (2011) each round.  I did not know what half that stuff was.





4x 2 min round for max reps (rest 2 minutes between rounds)

300m Row
Max Reps 24" box jump over


I probably should have scaled this as I saw folks getting much higher counts for max reps, but it was still a good workout.  It took me about 1:15 to finish the row, 15 seconds to transition and then 30 seconds for the box jump overs.

The deadlift, estimated by max at 250#.  It may be as high as 275#, but I thought this was a safe starting place. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Front Squat

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Lacey, Diedre

12:00 PM

Warm Up

2 rounds of

1 minute jump rope
30 second star plank (15s each side)
10 mtn climber circles (each leg)
10 segmented glute bridge
10 cuban presses each arm
10 air squats (32X1 cadence)


Barbell Warm Up

10 quarter squats
5 front squats at 32X1

Front Squat

Every three minutes build to heavy double 32X1



10 min AMRAP


1 Deadlift
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press

setting down the barbell is a 5 burpee penalty

Rx 115/75

I used 65# and really struggled with this one.  After the first burpee penalty I was winded and would have to rest 20-30 seconds after the last burpee before picking up the bar.

I managed 8, 4, 3, 3, 1+2 for 19 rounds + 2 reps and had 4 burpee penalties of 5 burpees each.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Squat Clean

Thursday, January 17, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Open Gym

2:00 PM

Warm Up

1 minute jumping jacks


2 Rounds of

10 quad hip extension?
10 PVC good mornings
10 air squats
10 reverse grip pass throughs
10 PVC front squat
10 banded clam shells

Barbell Warm up

5 High Hang Clean Pulls
5 High Hang Clean Pulls and Front Squat
5 High Hang Clean
5 Hang Clean
5 Full Clean


For the following 18 minutes, increase the loading on the barbell each set, allowing the initial positional work to help you build into heavy loading for your full cleans from the floor.
Every Minute on the Minute, for 6 minutes (6 sets)
High-Hang Clean (1 rep @ 50-65 of 1-RM Clean)
Rest 60 Seconds, and then…
Every Minute on the Minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Clean (1 rep @ 65-80% of 1-RM Clean)
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Every 2mins, for 6 minutes (3 sets)
Clean (1 rep @ 80+% of 1-RM Clean)

65 High Hang Cleans

95 Hang Cleans

110 Full Cleans

All reps were squat cleans


For time:
40/30 Calories of Rowing
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
10 Squat Cleans (175/115 lbs)

I scaled this to a 20" box and step downs and used 75# for the squat cleans.  I ended up finishing in 11:19 which I thought was pretty good.  I did singles for the squat cleans and was able to maintain pretty good form.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Metcon - Run, PU, T2B, HRPU

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Crossfit Golden - Paige/Greg

4:30 PM

Warm Up 

3 Rounds of

8 half kneel KB Bottom Up press
10 Lateral banded walk
12 Scap Push-ups
Short Lap

Then set up for metcon
4 strict pull up (or variation)
6 T2B (or variation)
8 Tempo HRPU


6 Rounds Every 5 minutes do

400m Run
8 Strict Pull-ups
12 T2B

I scaled this right out of the gate with a 300m run.  I did a couple of strict pull-ups in round 1 and quickly switched to banded pull-ups.  The last 2 rounds, I did ring rows.  I scaled T2B to kipping straight leg raises.  I scaled the HRPU to banded HRPU during the first round.

My times were reasonably consistent


Accessory Work

2 rounds of
1 min reverse snow angel
1 min side plank right
1 min side plank left

As expected this was tough, I could hold about 10 seconds before needing to rest.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Am I an Experienced CrossFitter?

I recently signed up for a membership with CrossFit Golden the online contact form had two choices:

(1) First timer
(2) Experienced CrossFitter

I decided to drop in on a class as an experienced crossfitter.  Now it is time for a retrospective.

CrossFit Undeniable:  3/2/2015 - 6/30/2015 - 4 months
MBS CrossFit (MBS):  7/6/2015 - 12/31/2015 - 6 months
MBS:  1/1/2016 - 8/26/2016 - 9 months (once/week)
West Metro CrossFit (WMCF):  2/7/2017 - 3/31/2017 - 2 months
CrossFit Golden (CFG):  12/27/2017 - ???

I also dropped in at a smattering of boxes over that time period as my travels dictated:

NorCal CrossFit (Redwood City, CA)
Old Pueblo CrossFit (Tucson, AZ)
CrossFit Silver Bull (Germantown, TN)
Clermont CrossFit (Clermont, FL)

In essence you could say that I had about 1 year of CrossFit over a 2 year period.  And have taken about 2 years off from coached training.

That may be a bit of an understatement as I continued to do gymnastics, Olympic lifting, swimming, bicycling, running, etc over the last couple of years, but certainly more sporadically and with less intensity.  Certainly my oilfield time was marked by calisthenics (Cindy), powerlifting and jogs on the treadmill of 10-20 minutes.

Another metric would be the CrossFit Open.

I registered and did the 2016 Open at MBS

I registered and did the 2017 Open at WMCF

I did not register, but did the 2018 Open workouts at Aspire Fitness

I intend to register for the 2019 Open and complete the workouts at CFG.

I have always done the workouts scaled and have chalked up scores at the bottom of my box and my age group worldwide.  I do not expect this year to be any different.  However give the tumultuous couple of years, I feel pretty good about starting CrossFit at age 43 and my CrossFit rebirth at age 47.

I would still enjoy getting into triathlon again (or at least swim, bike, run training). 

I would enjoy getting into yoga again.

OH Press - Helen

Monday, January 14, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Ryan, Lacey

12:00 PM

Warm Up

2 Rounds of

Banded left/right steps with KB in Front Rack
Plank reach under and extend

Pass Throughs
Inch Worms
Prone Press

OH Press

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes build to heavy single

failed 130

Push Press

Then 2 additional sets of push press 80-85% of max for reps to failure (still on 3 minute interval)

I used 100# (80%)

9 reps
8 reps


3 Rounds for time

400m Run
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pull-ups

I scaled this to a 35# KB and switched to jumping pull-ups on the second round and it still took me 14:37 to finish.  Primarily based on a really slow run.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Seated OH Press

Thursday, January 10, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Lacey, Diedre

12:00 PM

Warm Up

2 rounds

30 second star jump
10 swimmers
10 DB row (1 arm)
10 DB pushpress (1 arm)
Banded Thorasic walk up/Partner Thorasic Stretch

Seated OH Press

Build to heavy 3 rep set over 15 minutes



12 min AMRAP

4 bar muscle up
8 T2B
12 DB Push Press (50/35) in each arm

I scaled this to 4 push ups and 4 ring banded ring dips.  Kipping leg raises.  25# DBs.

I got 3 Rounds + 18 reps

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Squat Snatch - WBS

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Ryan, other girl

12:00 PM

Warm Up

8 min AMRAP

10 air squat
5 pass through
5 good morning
5 trunk twist
10 waiter OHS
5 OH duck walk

Barbell Warm Up

4 High Hang (HH) Pull
4 High Hang Muscle Snatch
4 High Hang Power Snatch
1 HH squat snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch

I used a 35# bar for the warm up and then started building up



5 Rounds of

20 WBS (20/14)
5 Squat Snatch (135/95)

I scaled to a 12# wall ball and 55# squat snatch and got time capped at 12 min with 3 round + 15 reps.  It was a good scaling and I could do singles without failing any lifts.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rope Climb - HS Hold

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

CrossFit Golden

12:00 PM - Coach Lacey/Diedre

3 Rounds of

2 minute HS Hold
2 minute Rope Climb

HS Hold - good, ok, ok
Rope Climb - 1.5, 0.5, 1.0 (full wrap)


3 Rounds of

2 minute row (calories)
2 minute burpee box jump over (any box)
1 minute supinated grip pull-ups
2 minute rest

I used a 20" box and mixed grip and got


for a total of 105 reps

Monday, January 7, 2019


Monday, January 10, 2019

Coach Lacey/other girl

12:00 PM

Warm Up

Couch Stretch/Figure Four

2 Rounds

10 Mountain climber stretch
10 Banded plank F/B/L/R
10 Banded squat slow
10 Ring Rows
5 Burpee jump to pull-up/lower


1000m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 pull-ups

I used a 45# bar, but scaled to 40 reps and did jumping pull-ups.  I finished in 12:34.

Handstand Kick-up technique

Lunge as far forward as you can
Chest to knee (get low)
Reach forward and balance on soft knee
Push back and switch feet

3 Rounds HSPU/Bulgarian split squat

I used BW and got 8 reps on each leg first two round and 6 reps for last round.

HSPU - kick up and lower first round; 2 HSPU to 3 mats and one lower; kick up and lower last round.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Seated OH Press

Friday, January 4, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Coach Greg

12:00 PM

Warm Up

3 Rounds of

Short walk with 10# plate OH
10 Banded plank walk forward/back
10 Banded plank walk left/right
5 Burpee Jump onto plate
10 Ring Rows

Unsupported Strict OH Press



15 min AMRAP

400m Run
8 Strict Pull-ups

I scaled this to 6 strict pull-ups and 6 pike push-ups with feet on box.  I finished 3 rounds in 15 minutes

Accessory Work

6 min EMOM

45s hollow hold or 45 second plank, rest 15 seconds

I found out today, all of the programming comes from CrossFit Invictis, so that should mean we get a good mix of stuff. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Thursday, January 3, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Lacey/Ryan

12:00 PM

Hip Mobility

with abmat

Knee in front of toe
Straighten front leg and reach for toe
Lateral stretch over the top
Pull back toe up with opposite hand

Warm Up

3 Rounds of

10 air squats
20 walking lunges (10 each leg)
10 burpee broad jumps
10 wall push through
10 hollow hold


In 15 minutes
2 Rounds of 20 walking lunges building up to working weight
3 Rounds of 20 walking lunges (these should be heavy)

I started with 20# DB and my hamstrings started to tighten up on the second set.  I ended up only doing 4 sets, the first 2 with 20# DB and the last two without DB.


5 Minute AMRAP

5 Man-Makers
10 Box Jumps

1 Minute Transition

5 Minute AMRAP

5 T2B
10 Air Squats

1 Minute Transition

5 Minute AMRAP

20 DU
10 KBS

This was tough.  The warm up about did me in, but I reduced the reps on the burpees and the walking lunges.

Metcon  - 15#MM, 12" step up - 2 rounds, 0 reps
Metcon - Hanging Knee Raises - 5 rounds, 0 reps
Metcon - 60 single unders, 12kg KB - 3 rounds, 7 reps

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Metcon - Row-KBS-DB Thruster-Dips

Wednesday, December 2, 2019

CrossFit Golden - Coach Ryan/Lacey

12:00 PM

Warm Up

3 rounds of
Jumping Jacks
Plank walk-outs
DB Thrusters
Quad stretch/Leg Swing/Lat stretch
Dip holds at top/Dip holds at bottom/Negatives


7 Rounds of 4 Movements EMOM

Row 200/150m
12 KBS 32/24kg
8 DB Thruster 50/35#
10 Ring Dips

I scaled this to 140m rows, 20kg KB, 20# DBs and Matador dip negatives.  It was still an exhausting workout.  The class was huge with 25 people between the two coaches.